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This is just a quick message to say a massive thank you to the people who pay their pledges. 

Seriously, you have no idea how grateful I am. I may not always get it right, I am technologically in over my head (seriously, I'm an old woman), but I really do try hard for you guys because you deserve nothing less. 

A special thanks to the amazing people who month after month continue to support me. You guys make all the editing, re-takes, research, writing, and mind-buggery all worth it.

Whilst I'm thanking my able patrons, I have to also say that I do appreciate that not everyone can afford to fulfil their pledge. As I'm sure I've said before, I grew up relatively poor, and I know that entertainment can come low on the list of necessities. But I do thank you for your interest in my content and hope that perhaps one day you can contribute to it.

Anyway, whether you pledge regularly, occasionally, or you just come to listen here and there - thank you.






We love all you pledge or no pledge your one of the people that makes our lives better just for being you. In the end that's all we want to make you and each other happy :)


"Old woman" bahaha uh the humor... anyway, it's totally us who needs say thanks, Your audios have helped me more than you'll ever know.

Jacob Griffith

Thanks for providing us such great content!


Worth every cent keep up the great work 👍🏾😁


Your welcome. I love your work and will continue to follow it. As long as I live.

Holden Gladden

If you're old (which I doubt) your voice has be convinced otherwise. I'd toss my hat in around late 20's to early 30's (I know to never ask a lady her age) which, to me at least, is more mature rather than old.