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Just a little something, Teacups.

Also, can we talk about the quality? The microphone is phenomenal! My voice is so much sharper. I'm working on something very special - so consider this piece just a little taster of better things to come.

I just thought you all deserved a sneak peek at the improvements. I still have more editing tricks to learn, but I'm honestly so happy with the improvements already.

All my love,




Damn that's some crisp audio.


Wow its like listening in 4K

Gary Nevills

That is some crisp, clean audio. I never thought I'd be able to tell the difference, not being that much of an audiophile, but damn.

Lance Petersen

Sounds wonderful. The audio will take me even deeper into your story. I'm so looking forward to it.


Thought I'd notice a difference but dayum, that's such a big difference!


The sound is so crystal-clear that you can hear every subtle nuance of sound, however delicate you speak, it shines through like warm rays of sunlight. It also brings out the full tonality and range of your incredible voice which adds colour, depth and a very powerful emotional effect on the listener - who cannot help but feel fully involved in the scene itself. Great excerpt!


When are you going to release this? I'm very excited.