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So, I've been thinking that sending out the audio rewards by email might be a little counterproductive. 

Not only does it take quite a bit of time (time that could be spent recording and editing, and ultimately bringing you more content), but also it leaves more room for error - sending out 600+ emails with mp3 content slows down my server and it seems to keep loosing emails that I've already sent. This leads to frustration for both my patrons and myself. 

I make this content to show you how truly grateful I am for all your support - without you I couldn't do this, and it just isn't good enough that you have to wait longer for you content. 

As such I have a proposition:

I will simply upload the content to Patreon. Now, in order to make this fair for all Patrons, I have thought of a new reward system that should satisfy each tier group:

Patrons who pledge $5 will have access to ALL FIVE audios on Patreon.

Patrons who pledge $10 will have access to all five audios, and a special sneak peek (1-2 minutes) at the month's erotic content. 

Patrons who pledge $20 dollars will have access to all five audios on Patreon, plus the sneak peek, AND access to an additional audio (between 2-3 minutes).

Patrons who pledge $50 dollars will have access to all five audios on Patreon, plus the sneak peek, plus the $20 tier audio, And then access to another additional audio (between 5-10 minutes).

I think this new system will not only save time, it will also mean that everyone gets an upgrade on what they were previously paying for.

Please let me know your thoughts. If you prefer the old system then I will of course take that into consideration, and we can work together to figure out the best plan. I honestly would just like to make things easy for everyone.

Best wishes,





I'm in Patreon to support my favorite content creators, we all are. We're here to support you Tea, your content always helps and I want to give back. This sounds like a good idea for the new reward tier. I just hope that making these audios don't become too strenuous on you. I would honestly become a $20-$50 patron if I had the money... But $10 is good enough for me. Keep up the good work and I look forward to your future content!!


i think it's a win-win for everyone ❤️ keep up the great work, Tea


Your generosity and awesomeness knows no limits. I support this change <3


Sounds good. I was wondering how time consuming it must be for you to send out all those emails. This is probably the best solution. Thank you, Tea


That sounds incredibly fair. I regret that my financial status forced me to reduce my pledge level..but considering that, your generosity and content quality make it all feel equally worthwhile, without seeming to punish people who enjoy your content but aren't able to meet a mandated level...something many Patreons fall victim to. Thanks, Tea!


Sounds good too me tea. Anything to boost productivity can only be a good thing right?


Whatever makes it easier for you can only be a good thing.


I like the idea a lot! Just one question: Will the content of the $20 and $50 tier additional audios be similar to that of the 5 monthly reward audios? Or will they be sensual/erotic?


50 dollars is way too high


This sounds like a perfectly reasonable idea Tea. You're only one Woman, it seems like quite the effort to send all those emails individually.


This is a better way forward I think, at some point (soon) you're going to hit 1000+ patreons and having to send out audios to each person is going to be taking up more and more of your time. Here's to the big 1000 though!

Jacob Griffith

Sounds like a good plan, whatever makes things fit better with your schedule. Thanks!


I agree. This sounds like it would work better.


Sounds like a great idea. Very logical- plus it’ll save on medical bills for treating the Carpal Tunnel from sending out 800+ emails!


This seems both generous and practical. As nice as it is conceptually to be getting individual Emails, that's a lot of time spent typing and sending them- even if the message gets boilerplate-y. If this is what works for you, absolutely go for it.

Lance Petersen

It's a lot to do Tea so whatever will make your life easy I'm all for. The worst thing to happen would be for you to burn out. 😘❤️


I may be biased because I'm pledged at $5, but I am all *kinds* of for this


An excellent proposition so well-thought-out in every way for everyone ! And for a fact You will be highly successful because you have found a way to do more for others than anybody else is doing - by adding more value and giving beyond expectation. You are very smart Teacup !!


Do as you see fit. You'll get my support for the great content you put out.

Ghonnathan Bagwell

Sounds fair to me, especially if it makes your job easier. I'm sure you've got everyone's support either way.


Sounds good to me!