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The five winners:

1. I Don't Want to Just be Your Friend

2. The Servant Girl

3. I Don't Want to Share You

4. The Assassin Who Changed Her Mind

5. I'm Sorry I'm Just Shy


(Apologies about the double posting, but the previous survey didn't allow for multiple choice. This one will. To anyone who has already placed their picks could do so again that would be so help. Again, I truly am sorry - it was just a mishap!)

Thank you all for voting!

Patrons who pledge $5 will receive 1 audio of their choice from the above list.

Patrons who pledge $10 will receive 2 audios of their choice from the above list.

Patrons who pledge $20 or $50 will receive  ALL 5 AUDIOS from the above list.

I will record all five of the audios next week.

Until then if you could please follow the link and tell me which audios you'd like that would be lovely.

As soon as they are recorded I will send them through straight away.

Best wishes,



April Audio Rewards


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