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So, the same person who downloaded my content originally and then uploaded it to reddit has done it again. *round of applause for such a noble act*

However, this time finding them was a lot easier (courtesy of two lovely people) and they have been blocked from TeacupAudio for good. (Side note: I had a look through their reddit page and I found an interesting paragraph where they stated something along the lines of: 'Don't send me hate through private messages. Only message me if you want to thank me for putting up these links - I don't want to be harassed.' 

I'm sorry, sir or madame, is there a line we shouldn't cross?????

Regardless, I didn't send them hate. I just reported and blocked them.

Anyway, what I'm actually taking from this whole annoying experience is that I am so grateful for my kind patrons who are, thankful, the vast majority.

I cannot accurately express how grateful I am to all of you wonderful people who actually respect each other and myself. As pointed out before, this person not only stole my content, but they also disrespected the people who are lawfully and rightfully paying for the product. 

I just wanted to share this with you guys because I honestly don't know what I'd do without you. Thank you for your pledge, your faith and your respect.

Best wishes,




I'm sorry that this happened to you once again. I just don't get people anymore


Wow the depths of crap that people will go to. This is someone's livelihood we are talking about... they shouldn't just be reported and blocked but tar and feathered. Talking full on blacklist status from any site where they can do this to someone else...

Martin Morbach

I'm don't want not pay for the awesome content u are creating.


Sadly there are some people who think just because they paid for something that they own it.


some people........

Scott Evans

What an asshole! I'm glad you managed to ban him though.

Jacob Griffith

Patreon is such a great site for helping listeners support people like you, it really sucks when people abuse it. Glad to see you didn't let it get to you though.


Let me know if you'd like more...internet sanctions...against them. Happy to utilize my skillset.


Glad to hear it's been dealt with. No one deserves to have their hard work stolen. Happy to have found you, Tea, and especially happy to know that we can support and reward your work that we all so enjoy! :D

Lance Petersen

Wonderful! I'm sorry that you did have to go through this i will never be able to fathom why people do such things.


It's an aspect of the internet at large that chafes my gears. People want content, but they don't want to pay for it or support the creator in anyway. And there's people with ambiguous enough morals to provide and call it just. Especially on Reddit, one of the reasons I don't like Reddit in particular.


I am usually pro-piracy of media but when it is someone like you (a small creator that isn’t part of some big corporation or something) or an indie developer for games I find it despicable.