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"Promise me. Promise me, you'll let me help you."


This audio came from a commission request and I simply felt it might be of use to others.


As someone who has always struggled with her mental health, I truly hope I've done a good job on this one, Teacups.

I have quoted this once already today, but it feels appropriate to do so again:

'I wish I could tell you it gets better. It doesn't get better. You get better.'

~ Joan Rivers

Let's keep on and get better.

I hope the audio helps, in any, small way.

In the meantime, please look after yourselves and each other.

All my love,




I just gotta say I've been listening to you for a while and listen to one of your depression vids on YouTube it really helped me. I'm glad your doing this. It really helps us.

Tyler wimberley

This hits me hard I was the giving this talk to someone and i lost that person but I love the comfort I feel from this


You really are amazing Tea!!! Totally pulled me out of this little funk I’ve been in and gave me a totally knew perspective. So thank you!!!


Wow this so powerful. I can’t imagine how it must feel like being on either side of something like this happening with a partner. I hope you’ve never ever ever had to go through something like this Tea. We love you