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Holy crap! Man I'm sorry to hear that Tea. I really hope they get caught and justice is served... Like a high five, to the face, with your fist kinda justice.


Sorry to hear about that Tea. Don’t worry, you’ll earn it back in no time


Make sure you keep hounding your bank about it, they will probably not help you at first but if you keep complaining and demanding you bank will legally have to give you support

Ghonnathan Bagwell

That kind of thing always sucks, hopefully the bank can refund you atleast a bit od what ever they took.


That is disgusting. Any way we can donate to help out?


You guys are incredible. I'm definitely gonna keep chasing them up about it. And it's really sweet of you to want to donate, but I can't take money from you for no reason. I really appreciate the gesture, though. You guys are so wonderful! ❤️❤️❤️


Man that really blows, I hope you’re able to get all this sorted out Tea.


It's such a shame when something so terrible happens to such a great person! You be sure to let us know if there's any way we can help out, Tea.


Hey, I have been in the same situation too, and it’s much worse. Just like one of those urban legend, one of my organ is gone. Never feel the same after that. But you know that already, cuz you are the one who stolen my heart.