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"I want to love you so badly. But, there's no rush. Never. I love you."

You're about to do it; be with her. You've prepared, candles, flowers, wine - everything you've imagined and more. You're here and she's beautiful and she wants you. You get to the bed, and suddenly you stop. You want to, you really want to, but just something, something so quiet stops you. The truth. That nagging voice that tells you what you need. You need to tell her, she needs to know. Who knows, she loves you, she might understand. 




Script & Audio by TeacupAudio 



@8:25 “You had us in the first half, not gonna lie.”

Delta Ethos Studio

Ahh... this is how I'd imagine my first time to be like... although I am a girl too. There would be no rush and she would respect me, and me her as well. But I would probably still be highly sensitive to her touch. But... sort of... you know, like you wrote the script, your partner would want you to feel safe. If you have been hurt throughout your life... not being able to bond with a significant other, these kinds of shared moments may feel like a set up of sorts... I takes some reassurance from the other to take things slow. To heal away the dread and worries. And patching the shattered confidence of the other by making her feel loved and safe. And once you have tested the waters, you can dive in to the sea of pleasure. Together, exploring as long as you'd like... and then leap from the surface holding hands. It is blissful to listen to scripts you have written yourself... and voiced too. It's just so... passionate... your emotions channel your stories to a beautiful play. And it makes me feel like a good baby... a special someone. Thank you, Teacup. ✧ 🌼💙🤍🌼 ✧ - Lunascout


😊aww that was a very good first part! Thank you teacup! 💗


Yeah! ^^


Consent is Sexy.


When do the roll call happens, and the personal voice thing, never done this before


Admittedly clever. Your audio first time being an audio /about/ the first time.


I love the sweetness of these audios 😊