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A part of being autistic that's very testing is constantly being exhausted. Just from daily rituals, talking, masking, putting on a face and performing 'normality'. I'm not here to compete or contrast with anyone else's experience. It's just mine and I find it hard.

I am never not tired. And I know that's true for a lot of people. And in my downtime, often I'm too exhausted to read or watch tv or even play on my phone. So, I clean myself, I shut my blinds and I just lay in bed - because I am a fat 2002 laptop that has 50 tabs open all at once.

And that's okay. That's my experience and I just have to do what I have to do. And that's true for you too.

So, don't worry if what you're going through isn't quirky or fun or fashionable. I have never been any of those things and I still have worth - to my dogs, my family, and mostly importantly to me.

You don't always have to see the good in things. Sometimes, it's really helpful to say - this isn't great.



Robert Allen

You know what you say is too god damn true, its a lot more worse for me cause I not only have Autism but also have ADHD which can make it very worse, while very young I ended up acting odd to the point where looking back made me wonder “Why did I do that?” afterwards I ended up taking medication to help me deal with it. Which worked for a while, eventually the medication into my high school days ended up making me feel like I’m someone else, which once you come back to reality after school didn’t feel right to me so got myself off of the medication, and I was very glad I did cause I feel like the me that wants to be happy finally broke free and would like to stay, yeah sure adult life as jolly as it seems but we all have to make the most of it even if we don’t like it and even if it’s taxing, we just got to deal with the cards we’re all given. It’s the only way to truly move on.

Lost Puppy
