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How to increase the staff of that dog café.

Only the first page will be published for the whole in low quality for the publicity of the activity.






Ah! Great as always 🥰


Amazing TF comic! I always love how cute your unaware TFs are, especially with pet animals like this one! She looks so adorable when she’s clueless that they’re slowly treating her like a cute puppy and turning her into one! I love how she gradually changes with every image, staring with her ears turning and that cute furless tail sticking out from her clothes when she gets down on all fours! And of course her not realizing she’s acting happily like a dog is so cute, especially when she gets slightly embarrassed when she thinks she’s acting like one, only to act more like it the next moment! It’s also super cute seeing the lady remove her clothing like a pet as well! I’m glad you still kept her hair like with almost all of your TFs, making it even more fun when no one else realizes it! It’s even more fun again to think they’ve transformed other people into happy, cute puppies! Wonderful job!


Thank you for all your comments! I tried to draw how the special collar worn by her is causing her to change both her body and mind into an obedient dog. I love TFs who notice their own changes and react with surprise or embarrassment, but I also love unaware TFs who don't notice their own changes, like this one, so I'm glad you enjoyed this story! I thought it was a bit weird that her hair was left in this story, but I like to leave in even full animal TFs, so again I left it as inconspicuous as possible. Maybe as she lives her life as a dog, her hair will become shorter and she will look indistinguishable from a normal dog.

Dimitry Dvorcovoy

I think this is one of those collars, which could be taken off safely after few days, when the new dog form becomes stable. And she still has her mind, remembers her past human life, but it does not bother her anymore. What they do after her grows from puppy? Do they give away extra dogs, keep them puppies forever by their magic or just change back after a while?


Of course! You do wonderful work whether the transformation is noticed by the characters or not noticed! I can definitely see their hair becoming shorter the longer they stay an animal, but I also love it when it’s all still there, especially when other people don’t notice it or don’t think it’s not normal! I think I’d be cute to have pets still with their human hair yet still think they’ve always been a happy pet!


Right, this collar is a tool to transform people, but after she is transformed into a complete dog, it will behave as a normal collar. After the transformation, she will grow up to be like a normal dog and will be kept with the other dogs in the store. But apart from this dog TF, I was also thinking of another storyline where the store offers the experience of becoming a dog, and the girl becomes a dog for a certain period of time and then returns to being a person.