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Until we move to var format (problematic for a few reasons including audio load times - will commit to that for version 1.0), there will be some issues with some users and conflicting scripts in their local vam folders.
It obviously works for me, also on a clean install, but let's troubleshoot what's up for you guys.

If you're having issues try the following to see if anyone has asked before:

Problem A) Girl doesn't align right with other characters while interacting

Remember our scenes only have a generic placeholder person, your personal choice of replacement might have longer legs, arms, or be taller or shorter and this will affect positioning. To resolve this, ideally import a model of scale 0.98. As different models are all different shapes and sizes, aligning with a closed fist is nearly impossible without some scripting. After swapping in your model, after selecting the position, pause all motion and move her HAND or HEAD for example into position. If she's stubborn temporarily turning off collision or opening her fist and closing it again after alignment typically helps. Now you need to save your preference, so go to POSE PRESET and OVEWRITE the existing one for the scene.

Problem B) lip syncing frequently stops

Go to adamant's lipsync player and crank up the lip and/or jaw movement to a higher value in this case.

Problem C) if I change the model and give her the robe, not only do her <> clip through it, but I can't figure out how to open up the robe

No undress triggers in FA, only in The Golden Ticket, however, modifying the morphs on her that are clipping (like length or apply) can fix this. I'll consider using a plugin for this.

Problem 1) Girl is frozen on scene load

Typically when this happens you will also see:

!> Exception during RestoreFromLast of plugin#1_RT_LipSync_Player.RT_LipSync_Player: System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.

in your error log. That means VAM cached in its memory the old lipsync player from another scene....or you still have the old lipsync player attached to the girl...it will break either way.

If you're having issues make sure ONLY the following scripts are attached to your girl, not the legacy AdamAnt LipSync player but the VH34 one. If that doesn't work, delete the legacy lipsync player at Custom/Scripts and restart. ALWAYS DOWNLOAD LATEST AND OVERWRITE.


Only problem with this fix is CW still uses the legacy player, so ill patch those up. In the meantime, when you load any of those scenes, just attach the new player instead to the girl, select the same options like 'college with' and '<activity type>' and you should be good to go.
if using the new player only doesn't work DELETE THE LEGACY PLAYER FROM YOUR MACHINE and restart:



delete the folder entirely after making a backup before loading any scenes.


If sound plays but the face freezes,
there's probably a conflict with EmotionEngine versions. Go to the girl, open the emotion engine plugin, and load the latest var version and load defaults. she should start emoting again.


If you substituted looks via Load Look...you need to go to the girl and change the parent atom to NONE and then change it again to the subscene. This fixes the name and allows the file to save properly. This is applicable for all scenes with subscenes.

PROBLEM 4) I see a bunch of missing audio files

"Error - cannot load .wav file" isn't necessarily a problem - not all referenced audio is ready for the 1.0 release, or may belong to other projects. It's only an error if no audio plays for you. If so, check the directory structure and be sure to paste CUSTOM folder into your vam directory.

Corollary to Problem 4) Hey, dummy, why don't you make the scene a .var?

This is primarily due to the load performance loading audio files from .var format. I'm going to release a hybrid var/audio pack version for 1.0 of each scene, for now it's just too much of a hassle.

PROBLEM 5) When changing the look of the woman, she will only say one line, and then stop speaking.

Change look only via appearance preset, not load look and this should solve it

hello, sorry to disturbing you. I have a question on your scene when i change the default girl i lose the eyes tracking, any idea?

Change look only via appearance preset, not load look and this should solve it. be sure emotion engine is still turned on.

I loaded this into my general VAM folder (other mods installed) and the animations froze (though she was speaking).  So, I created a new VAM install with only this installed.  Now, the animations work but there's no sound.  Thoughts?

typically this means one of two things - either you didnt copy the files into the right folder (sound files) or you didnt select an activity type (she wont start talking until you do)

PROBLEM 8) JANKY/SPAZZED OUT ANIMATION) Until 1.0 some of the timeline animations are a little experimental. if she spazzes out, disable timeline on her atom and hit the activity button again.


Textures are not provided to keep the character generic.
if you any of the great free resources creators out there as mentioned in the scene help text, I'll explain how to replace a character wholesale:  1) load his var 2) create appearance preset using the girl in his scene 3) go to my scene and select the girl, then choose load appearance preset 4) if you want to replace textures only, you can either put them in the right place manually or replace them manually, but I recommend appearance presets


Older experimental builds had leftover vars in them like handanimator. be sure to remove all references to broken vars in your scenes.



is there a special way to load the scene? when the game loads, i click the middle column to open up all the scenes and your scene thumbnails dont load and when i click on them it just freezes with "the interview" being the only exception for thumbnail and load. but also with the interview, it only goes up to the point when things start to heat up, then it just repeats from the beginning in a loop.


hmm the interview isnt even supported anymore, you mean the golden ticket? I would recommend: update to latest version of vam, download the golden ticket latest version, click on the two button multiverse loader and let me know what happens or take a video. once the loop completes you can freely transition around to various positions on the right hand side, there's no official transition you just pick what you wanna do next.


Hey guys - possible solution here, follow what Sleeping J did to fix his build: SleepingJ Nice. I removed the "adam ant RT" plugin, (not your custom VH34 version) before the sound started and everything fired up as planned! So I suppose I should delete the previous LipsyncRT folder that was in the earlier version? Keep in mind I do not have a clean install, I got like 200 gb of gangly VAM mess going on, but this seems to be working better now. I still have lots of audio mp3 error logs when the scene starts, I'll get a screenshot of that, but I don't know if that's a problem on your side of things or mine.


After following all the instructions mine is still broken. Even with the Custome RT Lipsync. The female character freezes and every scene that uses Lipsync freezes.


almost certainly the legacy player is causing issues. kindly share a screenshot of the girl atom's plugins and let me see if any are in an error state. also a screenshot of the vh34 lipsync plugin's options menu.


hello. I am somewhat new to VAM so i am not sure if I am missing something, but where do I put the audio clips for them to work. I tried addon packages and custom -&gt; sounds but neither have worked for me


they're already structured so that they copy in the right place. copy the custom folder into your vam directory that already has 'custom' and it should paste in the right place

Periapsis Studios

For me, the female character freezes after saying a line. I think I've fixed the errors with the lipsync player, but she still stops moving nonetheless. Her hitboxes and skeleton still move, but her physical model doesn't. Turns out the problem is the lipsync plugin only. The player alone doesn't create any problems.

Omega Novaios

Update: It seems that it's not exactly from pressing any button, but occurring shortly after all sound files are finished loading. I can cycle through all the positions and even change appearances just fine in the duration that sound files are being loaded in. But shortly after the female model only freezes even without touching anything. I have to do a full reboot of VAM at this point to have function in any scene. I'm having a pretty big issue with the full version. Anytime using any of the buttons, the female model completely freezes. I haven't even changed any appearance yet. This issue also persists loading ANY scene afterward, where the female model is frozen no matter what. I have never encountered this kind of issue before and I also have no issues with the lite version. I deleted the folder for the original Lip Sync just in case, although the plugins weren't loading that anyway. I can't tell what errors might be loading because I get an error on literally every sound file that is loaded (which truncates the error log so I can't see anything). I don't get any red errors listed after the sound files are loaded. The sounds seem to work fine even though my error log is full.


disable/delete all other versions of the lipsync player, (just the thing that moves her mouth), in your entire install and . restart. that's always been the culprit. conflicting version of the adamant player. worst case scenario you can enjoy the scene without lip movement, but if you have a clean install with only one version it typically works.

Omega Novaios

So just disabling the lipsync player (not the one responsible for the audio playback) in the plugins on the model fixes the issues. Thank you.


no problem man. if you like the scene I'd appreciate a review touting what you enjoy about it on the hub. sorry the lipsync player caused you trouble, but it's this weird bug in VAM with conflicting namespace names and all.

Tom Painter

I can load the scene with no problems in desktop mode however, every time I try to load it in VR it fails to and eventually crashes with a Steam VR Fail.


that's weird. might not be related to my scene, any info in the logs (either vam logs or steam logs)?

Tom Painter

Nothing in the logs. Currently updating drivers. Removinf the rock cabin custom unity asset got it to load most of the way and then it failed while loading audio files. I've had it happen with one iteration of your FA scene before but for the most part your scenes load fine. Will keep you posted.


Hmm, Im talking out of my ass here, but I know meshed vr is caching a lot of VAM data in RAM in the current version, so perhaps you are running low on memory and its crashing with hundreds of megs of audio in volatile memory? I dunno, something to fiddle with. I'm testing on a high-end system (i9/64g ram/good graphics card)

Tom Painter

After the graphics driver update it ran ok, long time to load but thats to be expected. Not sure whether it would have failed with the environment loading too. I suspect its more of a hardware limitation on my end. Thanks for the help.


Anyone who comes across the Voices not loading problem, turn off the VamMoan plugin on the FA 0.93 version. Might be obvious to some but not me lol.


Vammoan was enabled but the AFX was not. It took me a while to figure out it was this causing the problem.

Tim Reynolds

So two questions: 1) How do I get rid of the floating window? 2) How do I load appearance preset? The load button is grayed out. thanks


hmm you mean the menu? click on hide/show ui load apparence preset is a virtamate feature in the menu once you select a girl