Neglected Attack-Girl OCs (Patreon)
I've neglected a ton of my OCs, that tends to happen when you just keep making new ones and refuse to stop. But I want to revisit some of my Attack-Girl ladies that I haven't touched in a while so I can try to keep this streak of regular art going while I can. I've done pics of Indighost & Armistice, and an Attack-Girl one is coming up; so I'm leaving it up to you all to figure out who should be next (god willing) out of these 4 ladies:
Magenta, futa transforming detective & close companion to AG. Bulletina, powerful sex robot/super weapon turned superhero. Stiletto, sultry assassin with a penchant for knives. And Bengal, the fiesty feral feline inspired vigilante who sometimes does more bad than good.