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Hmm. Conflicted feelings here. First of all, love seeing Tim's "accident." It's especially hot that Allen already went a while ago and has been laying there wet for who knows how long. But like I said last time, my electronics are mine and someone else controlling them is stressing me out a bit. As such I'm kind of sitting in Timmy's mind freaking out a little. Especially because he seems incapable of holding anything in it's extremely easy to inhabit his mindstate. Allen however being so calm has a definite relaxing effect. Hopefully he has a plan that can help both Timmy and I calm down a bit.


The 40K background on Tim's phone is a chiefs kiss nice touch.


Believe it or not, I ai generated that background image 😅 So it's technically not officially 40k


Just to be clear, this is meant in a complimentary fashion. From the moment she appeared I've mainly had an anxious vibe from this story, now it's mixed with other things as well. I hope I'm making sense.