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Second half of this short! (attached below)

See the first half here

Let me know what you thought of the story (and if you have any feedback on the writing in general)

I'm planning for Tim University to be a traditional comic like Jammer and Little Valley, but would you enjoy more written content like this story in the future? Or do you prefer comics more?

I have my surgery later today, so I'm planning to be out of commission for at least a few days, but I'll try and check in when I can. Thank you to everyone who reached out with commissions :) I really appreciate it! (the commission form is still open if anyone else wants to be added to the list)

I've started working on the first page of Tim U and I hope to begin releasing it in the coming weeks! I'll be keeping everyone updated, so stay tuned <3




Excellent work once again BB :-)

John Doe

This is so well written! You did a really good job making Neel out to be a master at playfully teasing Luis, keeping complete control over him.