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I'm launching my short story tomorrow, but before that, I have a couple things to mention.

First off: I've added a couple new Patreon tiers: Galactic Sheriff and Celestial Tycoon.

The Tycoon tier is literally just for anyone who wants to help support me more. There's no added benefits besides my eternal gratitude.

The Sheriff tier will be where I start to host some of the older comic PDFs. Since I have 3 comics out now (Little Valley, Undercurrent, and Jammer) I'm going to make it so the Smithy tier has access to the most recent PDF (Jammer only) and the Sheriff tier will have access to ALL of the past PDFs. Of course, all of the individual comic pages will still be viewable from the Cowboy tier, so that's not changing. 

I hope I explained that well enough. If you have any questions, let me know.

Secondly (and most importantly): I'm having a surgery on the 14th. Nothing major! But I will be out of action for a few days at minimum.

That being said, even though it's not a major operation, it's turning out to be kinda pricey and my insurance is only covering a portion... SO if anyone happens to want a commission and is willing to pay up-front (even though it could potentially be a long wait until I can deliver) please check out the link below and fill out of the form. I really appreciate it <3





Hey BB, I don't need a commission but if there is a way I can send you a helping donation towards the site, that might help go towards helping you pay for the surgery, email me and let me know how I can do that. It won't be a lot, but hey $10 maybe $20 if that helps?