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I took a different approach with Jamie's diaper design. Tried to think of something future-y / spacey. The next page will show it a bit better, but the idea is that it's reusable.


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Cool creative future Diaper!👍 Wish we had those now


So my one question, we know when it’s messy but how do we know if it’s soaked?


Dat face...from what I'm imagining "OH GOD!" Is probably the proper emotion XD


Great concept. I loved the whole page. Just a small request: Can the diaper be more colorful or babyish? 👉🏻👈🏻


That would definitely be an interesting feeling. The diaper being unmessed and suddenly drying out.


I don't know which was funnier Jamie's pouty face or the one he has in the last frame.


While i love this comic so far, and the Littles and Silly vibe, i just wanted to share my opinion on the Diaper. There is a good number of abdl fictions that take place in the future, that try to immagine the "future diaper". While the ideas, including yours, are cool technologically speaking, the fact is, part of what make me love diaper as an AB is not only the cushiness but also the baby feeling implied. The fact that you need to be lyied down (vulnerable position) on a table to be take care of, being powdered and all... Also diaper checks are a real Little space trigger to me, Which is absolutely not incompatible with sensors by the way. Being honest i don't feel the same vibe when you just have to vacuum a in a second. Also it brings some diegesis questions : If it is so easy and safe to dry/clean sap in the future, why not making it automatic, and suit/underwear integrated, with something like a cylinder containing waste, in a compacted form, far from the skin of the wearer ? And then so, why a diaper ? Diapers have actually plenty of drawback ! And you can go far in this way. Not that a piece of art MUST absolutely be 100% rational but as this future diaper seems to be designed to be more practical. So i was asking myself "wouldn't Diaper be totally reinvented with such practical systems ?" I would prefer that Future Diapers for whatever reason, may not be more practical, but more humiliating, more AB in a way. - For exemple the diaper could have some tapes that can't be unstuck by wearer theirself - Diaper could have a voiced state indicator that could be used in humiliating situations. Around people the diaper could just say "My wearer just pooped. it is recommended to not exceed 1h before changing a poopy diaper. Please if any caretaker is around, proceed to change my wearer. Saturation level : 87%" But this one is not a Big problem as you can also imagine any kind of constraints. For me the first point is more a problem. This diaper is so futuristic that it feels like a new kind of underwear. What i love about diaper is that's a symbol of dependance, vulnerability and distrust from caretaker you have to live with because you are wearing it. And by using it you prove him right, and changing time is both an humiliating and cute process. Being undressed, Lyied down and cared of like an helpless baby, this pipes however are not really triggering my little space. I hope i was not rude or what because this is not my desire. I just wanted to share my personal and honest opinion. Your style is still absolutely amazing.


Not rude at all! I love the ideas you laid out. And I totally agree, a lot of the "future diaper" ideas out there really don't cater to this truly vulnerable feeling. The ideas you shared are awesome! I especially like the verbal command one, where a caretaker can just ask a diaper how full it is and it'll say out-loud if it's messy or not, even if the wearer is trying to hide that info hahaha The wearer being completely left out of the process :) When I got back and do little edits for the final version, I might try and sneak some of that kind of stuff in, because it really does "hit a spot" that the current iteration does not.


Not fond of the cyber diaper but this comic starting off great


Jamie running away reminds me of how some toddler boys act when you try to change their diaper -- it doesn't bother them wearing a wet or dirty diaper for a while so its fun to have the babysitter chase them around -- make a game of it.


This could be his like travel diaper for "hypersleep" and he could have a more fun one for exploration.


Lol I love this so much!


By the way as a great fan of SF, i'm so happy and excited to see Jamie back ! I can't wait for this universe to unveil ! The fact that you love the idea of the betraying talking diaper made me blush actually ahah ! (No, i didn't pee myself out of pride, the bar turned blue by itself ! This is just a bug !)


It's still early days so I'm going to reserve judgement until I've seen some more pages, but I'm not a big fan of the aesthetic so far. The amount of flat grey everywhere on both the ship and the diaper isn't very visually appealing. Having the walls, floors, and ceilings all completely featureless like this feels very sterile, both in the hygiene sense and the "unable to support life" sense. When you combine that with the cold technological style and function of the crib and diaper it makes the whole thing feel almost dystopian. So far the vibe is more "the ship is Jamie's prison, and he occasionally gets to escape it to visit a planet" than "the ship is Jamie's home that he explores the galaxy in". Which if that's what you intended, I'm completely fine with it, I just didn't expect it.