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New comic is coming this Monday! (or at least the first page or two...)

There was a lot of positive feedback about me posting WIPs on Thursdays, so I wanted to continue that idea. 

But I'm curious: would you prefer a cropped preview that shows a sneak peak? Or would you want to see full-page sketches? I don't want to unintentionally spoil anything for those that like to experience the art "in-full"

Let me know what you think, and also let me know if you're excited for this comic in general or if you are more excited for art-requests to return in the future




I'm super excited about all of this! I really like seeing the previews in general :)


Amazing! The hype is real! I personally prefer the sneak-peek approach - leaves a little more to the imagination


Yes yes yes yes!!!!!!! Monday can’t get here fast enough!


I would love to see a sneak peak!! leaves some room for antici……………..pation 💅😅


To answer your question I think both would be good. A cropped preview but in sketch so we know a bit of what’s going on but doesn’t spoil everything


I think showing a cropped preview is a good idea. This week isn't too bad because it's week 1 but at some point I expect the plot might be spoiled if we are able to see the entire strip up front, even without dialog.


That baby will most definitely have back problems.. They barely fit in that bed!! To your question: I don't really care for previews or sneak peeks. I generally avoid looking at them, bc I prefer to be surprised! (I don't mind you posting them tho, I'll just scroll past + like without looking lmao) P.s. I'm so excited for the comic!!


This is all good to know! I don't think you're alone. I'll definitely avoid giving away too much in the preview 🙂


I’ve seen your DyperDrive characters before, is this the first time you’ve done full length stories with them? Has the concept changed much in the time you’ve been developing it?


I don’t mind previews. But perhaps with the comics showing one panel as a sneak peak is a better idea then showing the whole comics WIP. Leaves a element of surprise. As for this comic I am so excited for it! I’m a avid sci-fi reader so a sci-fi story plus diapers is amazing in my book. I’ve been looking forward to Jamies story since you first started your Patreon as DyperDrive, showing us pictures of him and his little profile page.


this is the first official comic, yes. Everything is pretty much exactly as I had envisioned it back in the day. This will be a short little one-shot story, kind of like an "issue 1". And then there could be more issues afterwards if everyone's interested


I definitely like the one panel idea. I think that's more of the direction I'll go. And yay!! I hope you enjoy this little story (and hopefully more in the future ;) )