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She making an offer that I wouldn't be able to refuse... But will he refuse it. Definitely seems like he a careless person. I know people were feeling bad for him but honestly he one of the people who probably not the best at being an adult. So being a kid wouldn't be bad


I love the expression in panel 4!


I feel like this is where the tide will start to turn. Seems like maybe Justin is getting closer and closer to taking an inventory and realizing that's where he wants to be.


She do be talkin sense though 👀

Sneaky V

Dang, that baby girl is giving him a real adult talking-to.


No, All that was a lie, same if he is DL anybody ask him nothing... And his relationship its really toxic....


Jean Pierre, I can see where you're coming from, but I think toxic is a strong word in this scenario. They have both made a lot of mistakes, but I do think Sandra loves Justin. I think Justin is lazy and likes diapers, but I think the whole concept of living in this community is Sandra's fantasy, not his. That's kinda where I get irked by her character. I do think she took advantage of his DL tendencies and nonchalant attitude to make her own dream come true and just decided (unilaterally) that it was good for him, as well . The other characters in the story are kinda gaslighting him a bit and making it seem like he's been "asking for this" because of his prior behavior, but I don't see it the same way. As I said earlier, I do think he's going to start embracing it, so I hope that is truly what the character wants, not something he was coerced/guilted into it. Either way, The writing is good!


It's like you read my mind. He hasn't worked in years? So presumably, especially considering it seems that ABDL/MDLB is certainly Sandra's thing, he's spent A LOT of that time with his diapered bottom planted in front of a video game? I think it should be more than clear that Justin simply doesn't want anyone to know how much he likes it because of his hangups and inhibition. It seems like there's been very little coercing on Sandra's part. And to some extent, I can empathize with Justin in that way, however in that environment? I'd like to think I'd be as all in as one could be.


Max, I do think he's being pushed a bit in that direction, but he's clearly DL and unmotivated. My only qualm is that you don't put someone in this extreme type of circumstance unless you're 100% positive that it's their dream, as well. She didn't re-tile a kitchen floor, she fundamentally changed Justin's life and took away his freedom to make his own choices. That's substantial


I mean to be fair they have been there a single day and when Justin was asked about it before hand he said he didn't care. It isn't like he's been permanently trapped in this situation, he experimented for one day and now he's weighing his options. Sandra seems plenty frustrated with Justin's expectation that she'll essentially be his mommy but in none of the cute ways that she wants. If he wants a mommy that's going to let him be an ungrateful teenager who wears diapers he and Sandra may have to split which means he needs to deal with exactly the questions Bethany is asking him about now since he has become so reliant on her.


Sometimes companies decide not to hire qualified candidates for dumb reasons, but from what we've seen I imagine Justin was half assing things when looking for a job.


Beth has certainly brought up some very valid points. If Justin were to leave I think the best job he could hope to get would be fast food or something like that.


Why do some women pick a loser and think they can change him later. Its a cliche but really very true! Justin is a loser if he's a lazy shit and wants other people to support and cater to his needs and desires , That's especially shitty to his gf. A guy's personality does not change overnight like in the chick flicks. When is this guy gonna show us some positive personality???


Legit; I love the comments on each page as much as I do the story.


Buckaroo, one question, if you read this. He's presumably still a younger man... Should we assume his parents are no longer around? Most "Justins" run to Mommy and Daddy when the girlfriend won't put up with them anymore, but it's implied that he has nobody besides Sandra.


That was my read as well; went straight from childhood home to Sandra's and that his parents aren't possibly a factor.


Justin my man Have you heard of streaming yes it can bring food on the table as people do get paid to stream but it would be a good fit for you. You are your own Boss


And I do know it's not for everyone but Justin games and he could stream said games to an audience