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Chapter 4 starts now! The beginning of the end

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Wow Justin its not anymore the Sandra's boyfriend? Now its only a baby? 😱😱😱


Well thats fucked , this comic is so stressful lol im dieing to see how it turns out.


I have a feeling that Justin is going to yell at her with hot anger and then just collapse and cry.


Oh damn. This could go one of two ways 😂🤣

Sneaky V

Wow what a potty-mouth little Poofy-pants he is.


"Stop being such a big baby about being a big baby." lmao, such a great line. I'm really hoping this is a typical sitcom misunderstanding with Sandra. Poor Justin is dealing with enough already.


*Dramatic Soap opera sting!* "We were just making a baby...BED! A BABY BED! HAHA! For you! Baby!" /panic 🤣


with a potty mouth like that, I think Justin needs a time out. :)


Someones gonna have a new Daddy!


A cage and pegging in his future I hope


OK I'll say it I'll say it I'm going to be nice about it a little bit For her not to tell him anything on top of that obviously there's something new. But I'll say it like this If Is she cheated on him Is with him that screwed up like straight up. I mean the whole forest adult baby thing is one thing but to do something like that on top of that not telling him anything. That's just being a bad girlfriend or boyfriend That's not right or fair And again I ask it. Does she love him because it really does not feel like she does


I hope for him that it is not what one can believe.


I wish but on all seriousness I think he's going to have the talk with her like not the other kind of talk but a talk like either a breakup kind or please take things slow kind


They were setting up the nursery. I'm certain of it.


So grumpy


Justin is now getting a daddy!


Oh he's getting a daddy alright, saw that coming the moment Sandra met Greg that first day :-)