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Sneaky V

PB&amp;J is frickin' gourmet.


Ruh ROH. He's in trouble


PB&amp;J with the crust off are amazing

Sneaky V

If any of the teachers heard that, he's going to be tasting soap instead of PB &amp; J


I hope we see Sandra address his potty mouth


He wants a salad? This man needs to get his priorities straight a PB sandwich is the best struggle meal a working man can have but then again he ain't on that grind.


I love PB&amp;J and I'm not even a little. It's delicious and simple to make. He better hope that no grownups are around to hear that potty mouth of his.


I love pb&amp;j but when I was in school I had to stay away from a teacher who was allergic to peanuts. But he's very lucky to not have a peanut allergy. Because if you have that you never get to experience eating stuff with peanut butter in it like Reese's cups or any other candy with it. That's if he were to develop one over time.


He better hope beth doesn't tell sandy about that potty mouth of his. I'm sure he's going to talk to Sandy about he choice for his lunch. Though who can argue against a PB &amp; J.


Right? He's more than a little spoiled. I hope Sandra soon does more than threaten to put him over her knee.


Lets not ignore that he definitely needs a bib. He's going to get jelly everywhere


Definitely. Look how messy his mouth got just from that one bight. Justin's going to be a mess by the time he's finished.