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Hi everyone! I wanna note a few Patreon issues that a bunch of my patrons encountered these past few days:

International Jupiter tier doesn't have access to several posts
Since I just added this tier, I didn't realize that I have to manually tag older posts so that they're visible for this tier. I will work on fixing it for the next few days!

Moshi-moshi files are deleted
I recently just backed up my PC to my Dropbox, and blanket deleted some files in my Dropbox. I'll link it back as soon as possible too, sorry for the trouble!

Other than that... I'm sorry I haven't been posting much at all. I'm struggling to meet my deadlines lately. There's so much I'm working on, even though I can't show much of anything... I wish I can say I'll try to make it up soon, but I can't do that until I finish all of my current important deadlines ;m; I hope it's understandable.



Hey, we're here for you no matter what. You take as much time as you need hun 😊