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HI EVERYONE.... SORRY IT'S BEEN A WHILE 😭 I took a break from drawing last week, and now am back again!

General life update, I took the break last week because my physical and mental health has been declining A LOT. I've been doing Boyfriends nonstop and sleeping late because of deadlines, my schedule is so fucked, and I don't feel like I'm living life.  

I started having pains in my hand so I forced myself to take a break. During this time, I realized that... doing things outside of Boyfriends and taking care of myself made me feel way better (wow, who would have thought). I'm trying to make it a habit, but so far I've been taking medicine, going on walks, doing skincare, and working out regularly. Pretty basic stuff that I... neglected a lot before. Hope to continue that further in the future.

So the most important thing I want to announce:

The Boyfriends WEBTOON schedule will change from twice-a-week updates to once-a-week updates. 

I needed to do less episodes. Instead of taking multiple breaks/hiatuses, I'm cutting down my update schedule to the WEBTOON. This way, you'll still get your weekly dose of cute boys, the series will run longer (I'm still doing the same total episodes for this season), and I don't have to sacrifice my own well-being doing the series! I really wanna thank my editor for advocating this on my behalf, since I haven't heard much about other series having the opportunity to cut down their schedules.

Because I will be doing less updates every week, I should be able to allocate some of my time and resources to other projects. I looked back and I realized I have been doing less and less Patreon stuff, and I don't draw as much as I used to. I want to get back to making stuff regularly for my page. (I WON'T FORGET TO TAKE CARE OF MYSELF THOUGH LOL)

Some things coming:
> Artwork for this month's postcard will be done this week.
> I'll start working on extra chapter 5 again. I've been putting it off for a while and only recently got the motivation to pick it back up.
> Boyfriends print version is already available on Amazon, but I'll be putting up a special bundle edition on my online store. So if you're interested in extra goodies, I'll be listing it on my store around mid-September!
> More merch is coming to my store! One of them being these really cute candy charms~ (they're not for eating by the way)

> I need to finish Jock's live2D model, and hopefully by the end of this year I can start making content out of it.
> I also have a super secret Boyfriends project that will come at the end of this year (or... if we can't make it by then... at the end of this season?) we'll see! I really want to show you what we got but I want it to be a surprise so auheugahuehgh SORRY FOR BLUEBALLING YOU

I also have a couple non-Boyfriends stuff that I'm starting to work on (not any original series from me, it's mostly me trying to do work for other people haha). I might start doing commissions too, if my time allows it!

ANYWAY THAT'S A LENGHTY UPDATE-A sorry.... TLDR Boyfriends Webtoon will update less frequently now, and I'll try to use that time to work on things like Patreon etc. As always thank you for your support and hope you guys have a good day!


Maya Smith

That’s okay~! Thank You so much for informing us!!


If you needed a six month hiatus I'd just set an alarm for 6 months. I hope you take care of yourself better. Take your self on a feild trip. Go to a botanical garden. A museum. Replenish you. :)