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Ahem ahem, hello everyone, I wanna try something new ^^ I thought I'd write down what I've been doing during my break and what I've learned from it /o/ I talked about it in the 100th episode celebration livestream, but I figured I also post it here, in case people who didn't tune in wanna hear the stories too.


First! What I did on new year's!

I went camping with my mom and her friends in Sukabumi. There, we trekked to a really big lake, as well as the Situgunung suspension bridge. LET ME TELL YOU these ladies are strongk...... I can hardly keep up with them 💦 The suspension bridge was definitely a highlight! It's the longest suspension bridge in Southeast Asia. It was kinda scary crossing it since... the wind blows through it and it swings pretty hard, and right below is just certain death. Of course the trek is completely safe, but monkey brain fear is still in my head yaknow?

(Pic is from the official Situgunung site, I didn't take pictures here sobs)

During the camping and trekking in Sukabumi... I realized something. I got a bit upset interally that my mom and her friends left me behind during the trekking... Until I asked myself--why? They weren't expecting me to hurry up, and there's literally no one badgering me to keep up. I realized that I expected them to wait for me, when they have no obligation to do so.

I've always thought of myself as a person with generally low expectations. But this experience kinda... changed my mind about that. I noticed that I don't externally express expectations, but internally, I still have them. I don't say externally that I want Boyfriends to be popular--but internally, I have expectations for it to do well. I have expectations for people to like it.

All I'm doing is just setting up myself for disappointment when there are dissenters... and I think that's why negative comments affect me so hard, even though I know it's impossible for EVERYONE to like what I make. I think I have to reevaluate my expectations and priorities so I can handle things in a more mature way.

ANYWAY... after that, around mid January I went to Flores! It's an island in Indonesia that's more Portuguese-influenced (Most of Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch and Japanese, but there are parts that got influenced by Spain/Portugal/England etc). I've wanted to go there ever since I learned that they have Manta Point--a diving site with lots of manta rays--and I finally fulfilled it. We rented a GoPro and I filmed a Manta Ray during one of our dives.

Manta rays are so cool, they're probably my favorite sea creatures...

We then went to Pink Beach, where the sand is pink. It's kinda hard to see in photos, but trust me it's pink lol. It got its colors from local red corals that break down into brittle pieces in the sunlight.

During this trip, we visited Komodo Island too, which isn't too far from mainland Flores. I'm actually surprised that there are villages on the island that people live in since komodo dragons do eat people. The small babby ones are harmless since they haven't developed their venom, and one of them passed under our lunch table.

That brings us to February... and I've been staying in my apartment, mostly. I've been trying to reorganize my life, and I personally think I'm doing way better than before ^^ I've been sleeping earlier, waking up earlier, routinely taking better care of myself, exercising more frequently, etc. However, there are still days when I feel like absolute shit... I've been trying to limit my access to social media, which I realized is a HUGE TIME WASTER LOL... but on the other side, I feel really lonely and aimless. I don't know how to fill my days... so I spend most of it either sleeping or feeling useless.

A sore point I have is worrying that I don't have any value if I'm not drawing or making content. I know it's not true, but it feels that way when I don't feel particularly wanted or needed when I'm not drawing. I recognize that part of that is on me too though, I can't expect other people to read my mind and check up on me, and I have to make the effort to reach out too. I'll figure something out in the end, don't worry ^^ It just takes time... (Fuck me for being so impatient RIP)

I'm going to production for season 2 of Boyfriends this February! Can't tell when it will come out, but I'm starting to get back to work again. I had a talk with my editor and we've smoothed out some character points, I'm excited to work on them and share them with you guys /o/

As for Patreon, I'm not sure when I'll be posting art again. I'm thinking of not posting art to Twitter anymore, and exclusively posting on Patreon, but I'm not 100% sure yet. I'm just so so burned out by social media T__T I'll let you guys know whenever I decide on it.


I think that's all for now! Sorry for the long read haha but I wanted to write down my experiences and feelings. If anything, hope you enjoyed the pictures~

Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate you guys a lot!



You are a wonderful person. We as your community adore you. Thank you for being so open with us, and sharing your art and talent with us all too. <3


Wow! You're making me miss my home town :') Thanks for sharing though, it was a nice surprise! I hope you have a lovely rest of your break! Edit: Oh and, as a fellow artist I wanted to say I understand where you're coming from when it comes to self worth, and that you're not alone when it comes to working on it


It sounds like taking a break has helped you figure some things out ✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾


Sounds like a productive break!


Its nice to see people we look up to and admire being so vulnerable and open about things that everyone can feel and understand, it makes you more real and its comforting that, as someone who would love to be a creator/artist, people I look up to aren't perfect and struggle just like me. I hope you find your center and I'm happy to hear you got to have all these cool and fun experiences and you are working on yourself! I'm excited for more content of course but can wait until you're ready 💜


Sometimes it's hard to remember that we are allowed to exist outside our creations. It's even harder to beat back years of conditioning equating your existence with your worth to others. Best of luck. ❤️


You’re doing great and you deserve to feel proud of yourself! Self improvement is hard and chasing it shows that you are willing to do better and be better and boo that’s cool as fuck


i'm so happy to see you enjoyed your break🥺 take as much time as you need to keep figuring things out!


I really jsut want to give you a huge hug!! Because you are so appreciated in my eye. when boyfriends was on going I would look forward to every time there was a new episode! And they would be the highlight of my day! Ik there is still a lot of self reflection and self care you are still trying to work on. But I do what you to knows how much I and I guarantee all of us love and appreciate you❤️


yeah it's super hard T__T especially when I've based my whole existence around drawing, ever since I was in grade school u_u;; But the first step is recognizing this, and I'm sure I'll be able to separate myself from my work one day!


Thank you so much! It was a very much needed break, and I'm glad I had the opportunity to take it :"D


Yeah at the end of the day I just want my existence to be a net positive to the world, and I might as well enjoy the time I got when I live, so I'd like to do and be better ^^

Amy Cargos-Morowitz

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us Ray! I’m glad you had a relaxing and eye opening break; you deserve it. Truth be told, sometimes we are our own worst enemy. Our insecurities and self criticisms tend to yell louder than the people around us trying to lift us up. I myself will way to often internalize my thoughts and feeling and expectations instead of just expressing myself to everyone. It’s like I can’t find my voice and be brave because I worry I won’t be taken seriously or people will be disappointed in me. I believe in you. I know you can overcome any obstacle with a little self faith. We all love and support you. Never forget that. 😘❤️


Thank you so much! I'm meeting up with a friend at the end of my break, so I'm really looking forward to that /o/


Focus on you for the you need too! You are more than just a source of art like you said! It’s a hobby and a passion but it’s not all you have to offer. You seem like an insanely sweet person ❤️


I hope you're okay today. 💖


I'm so glad you're enjoying your time off and it sounds like you're having some really healthy personal growth too! I wish you all the best


I'm so excited and happy that you had those experiences and adventures. I can't wait to see how you, your art, and your life comes along. I do have a question though. What is that red and white structure that was as the bar/lunch spot? It looks like coral but I didn't know. I'd love to make something like that for myself


Yeah it's a bunch of corals, the red ones are the ones that are super brittle and easily broken down and it's the reason why the sand is pink on that beach!


i'm so glad u got to enjoy yourself tho !! & its so cool to see you figure yourself out more during your trip as well HAHA ps; i'm sure we dont mind if u took your time getting chapter out hehe


Thank you for sharing your journey with us, I hope many others will confirm support you through your experiences and hardships. I know what you mean about the loneliness and lack of ability to voice internal expectations, I recently went through a major life change that made me confront similar emotions and issues I was so overwhelmed by before. If you ever need a person to talk to, although I know we aren’t friends, please know that I’m happy to hold space for you to talk about these things. I know it really helped me having people offer when I needed it, everyone is different in how they process things and I’m sure you have your own coping mechanisms but just know that you’ll always have a supporting heart and hand if you ever need. Nobody should feel that empty pit of loneliness and pointlessness especially someone with such amazing and creative aspects and ambitions. I’m glad you took a break and had some time away with family, I know me reconnecting with family has personally helped me a lot with my self confidence and just general hopefulness towards my future. Sending a big hug your way dude <3 (my Instagram is @luciensgarden if you ever feel the need to reach out)


So cool! I wish I could travel and do camping, but it's too cold where I am to do anything fun. Swimming with manta rays, though :D They're so cool, but I got a chance to go to a park that had them in a pool, and found that I have an irrational fear of them :p Looking forward to whatever you want to make, no matter what it is or how well it does, you art is beautiful and always a joy to see and read <3


Thank you for sharing your experience, feelings and thoughts. You're right, sns can be very toxic, especially if we're not strong enough to ignore the worst part of it. But I do believe once we know the source of pain and try to run away from it, we are stronger than people whispering "you run away because you're weak". Sorry for this long comment, but I love how you're honest about your feelings with us. I'm happy I found you so please take care and stay safe <3


There's also been some times in the past where people didn't wait for me and it left me feeling sad and lonely, and I had to deconstruct why. I think your explanation about not showing expectations on the outside but still having them inside applies to me too 😔 So thanks for being open and sharing this 🥰


All of that looks incredible! What cool experiences, I’m glad you could get out and do some neat stuff during your break 🖤 you deserve it As integral as being an artist is to one’s identity, it’s so important to remember that you’re always a person first and an artist second (or third, fourth, etc). You’re allowed to exist guilt-free even if you’re not producing anything 🖤 hard lesson to internalize but it’s worth it


thank you for sharing your experiences and updates on your life! those trips sound like they were very fun and pretty. personally i think you have plenty of value outside of your art. you're a joy to interact with and i hope the people in your life do a good job at letting you know that. take care of yourself ray 💙💜💙


Thanks for sharing Ray. I'm just a random Internet person, but I'm glad you had a nice break and are doing well. Social media is a bane sometimes, I really should stay off Twitter and Reddit myself. All the best wishes to you!




Your pictures and adventures sound amazing and beautiful. I have struggled with feelings of inadequacy when I am not feeling useful or productive. My counselor has said that I need to reshape or reframe my thinking processes. Even if I am not being productive I still have worth. You still have worth even if you are not drawing or making content or being productive. Going back and listening to BTS Love Yourself immersively, has helped a lot. Their music may not be to your taste, but it is something that has helped me. Surround yourself with the positive and uplifting so much so, that when a hater strikes their words no longer affect you. In the words of BTS you can do as JK and say "So what!" Sending lots of love and thoughts your way. Know that you are not on this journey alone. 💜


Your trip looks so awesome! Now I want to visit Indonesia 😂 Thanks for sharing with us too! I think it’s impressive that you were able to reflect and reevaluate that. It’s not something many people can do (and something I continue to forget to do).. My heart goes out to you and while I don’t personally _know_ you irl, I’m pretty sure I can safely say that you are loved at least by us (your fans/patrons) regardless of it you continued creating or not. I hope you take car and find a routine and balance that works for you though. For me personally, I cut out deactivate Facebook and instagram 2 years ago (only keeping Twitter) and my mental mood has been so much better because of it. It may not be the same for you, but I wanted to share a bit since you did 😊💙 Take care and wishing you all the best ✨


): the negative comments did make me feel bad too, they aren’t all good comments and I hope we can cheer you up with this being filled with your adoring fans and all


Your trip sound amazing and refreshing, is glad to hear you had good rest! I wish to travel too ㅠㅠ. Thank you for sharing 💜💫 the photos are the best 💕 I need to readjust my sleep schedule too


I agree with not posting art to twitter anymore and just posting it here in Patreon


Beautiful photos Ray! Wish you mental wellness. Thank you for making such amazing content❤️❤️❤️


Social media can be very bad for your mental health. It's good to recognize that and set limitations. Sounds like you are taking steps to protect your health glad to hear it! You are more than just your work!


Your art brightens my day everytime I see it 😁. I think that making art and sharing it with the world is good, but what's great is doing it in a way that's healthy for you. I hope you find a good balance between your work and your personal life 🥰

Raven Kurtz

It sounds like you've done a lot of growing over the last few months, which is not an easy thing to do. I just wanna say this, and I genuinely mean it. I'm proud of you 🥰 I always worry about the mental health of the artists/authors I love, especially because social media is a big part of their lives and it can be extremely mentally taxing. And as much as I love the things they create, I'd rather them prioritize their happiness and health. I know I'm just a random person, but I've got an ear if needed🥰 keep growing, keep moving forward and always do what you feel is best for you!


This was a hecka cool read! These are places that other Americans such as myself may not visit in our lifetimes. But reading the short stories and seeing the pictures is highly fascinating! Thank you Ray. Im sorry that you're battling you're inner self right now. It's hard to push past a conflictef self. But we will wait for you, right here when you return :)

Raven Kurtz

I agree! They've got my love and support no matter what they choose to do in the future! Distancing myself from social media has been one of the best decisions in my life and I'll always encourage others to do the same!


Thank you for sharing your pictures from your trip. Legit, looks awesome! I just wanted to say how amazing it is that you are so self aware and want to make positive changes to your life. Not many people can do that. To see that uphill challenge and say “one step at a time and day by day, I got this!” You are an amazing human being and not just because you make art, but because you are you! You will have good days and bad days and then really bad days😭 , and when that happens you can always step back, take a break. We will be here, waiting with open arms💜.

Miss. Danni Tiger

You have a beautiful life and I'm happy to contribute to it the best I can. You are amazing and I hope your adventures continue. I'm super proud of you and seen you come far long way . Your pictures are beautiful and so is your soul if you are onTwitter or not I'm willing to follow your decision as an artist. If I can't support you at the moment , I'll make sure to to follow up on it❤ 🌟🐯 -Danni


Glad ur doing better and ill send u good vibes to feel even better🖤 ik what ur going thru with the expectations i also have that problem sometimes and i set myself up for depression and im also trying to work on it. Lets get thru this shit 😎


Self confidence is something I'm having to teach myself lately. I realize that I have expectations for myself more than others have expectations for me. I do art as well, and I always undercharge people because I lack confidence in my work. But self care is important! Treat yo self!


We appreciate you! Thanks for sharing!


Breaks are so good!! I did almost nothing during January because it was my winter break. I felt guilty for not doing anything, but why do I have to do anything? The rest of my life I'm going to have to rely on myself to make money, so why not enjoy this small moment of time of doing nothing and enjoy existing in this world.


I am so glad you’re taking time for yourself and reorganizing your life and making YOU a priority. 💗 We’re here, we’re not going anywhere, we appreciate anything you make when you make it. But also, you have value when you’re not being productive. Taking time to daydream, to rest, to restore is crucial to creativity. It sounds like you’re getting that and I’m so glad. 💓


That trip sounds fantastic!! It’s all snowy, icy and cold where I am :( I kinda get how you feel, like about feeling useless without doing art. Like when I’m struggling with my studies I feel useless because I need an education to succeed in life. And if I can’t do this one thing there what am I here for, yk? Idk if it helps to know this, but ur not alone


im glad youre feeling better!!!!!! and i wish you all the best in improving things as time goes on!!! take care of yourself💖


we appreciate you so much too! Glad to hear the update. Glad that you can open up and let us in a little on how you feel. Love you 💙


Happy to hear you're doing okay. Hope things gets better for you in the future. Just remember, all of us here loves you and your work ^^


Thanks for sharing this nice experience! Please take care of yourself and keep away from social media if you need to. Hopefully you'll feel better soon!


I’m so glad you’ve gotten a break! It’s nice to take a step back and evaluate things


im so glad u had a good break!!! whatever you choose to do we'll be here supporting you ^^


Your trip looked really fun! Thank you for being open about what's weighing on you! I think a majority of us feel like that during this time, so you're not alone. It's fine if you need to step away from social media, a lot of artists I follow do that! One in particular doesn't really engage in social media but posts personal art from time to time besides their webcomic or during hiatus. Your well-being comes first and foremost, so don't feel bad about taking care of yourself!

Mark White

It was very nice to hear how you are doing and about your travels. You added some new places to my travel list. Take care of yourself. I am looking forward to what you create next.

Tyra Pugh

strangely enough i loved!! this type of post just knowing what your up to when you're not creating!! and i appreciate the opennesss as i know it takes a lot to confide in what essentially is complete strangers even though we're a little community. you're appreciated so much even when there's no content!!! please know that.


I really enjoyed reading through this post! It's nice to get a little bit of insight into your life outside of Boyfriends. I can relate to your struggles and feelings, and from what I can tell you've been working incredibly hard, so I'm really glad you're taking some time to care for yourself! Please take all the time you need. I'm really happy to be supporting you even just a little bit. Thank you for the update!


I’m glad you’re feeling better! I’m also glad you got to go on trips! I hope this year is better for you and that it’s full of love ♡


Also like others are saying, I loved this kind of post. It’s fun to see creators doing other things than creating!


I’m glad to see you’re doing better! Your mental health is paramount to everything else so knowing you’re making positive changes is very heartwarming. I love your pictures too. I hope you have more opportunity to take pictures to have a hobby outside of your art. Thank you for sharing 💜💙


Thank u so much for sharing!


I've always wanted to go camping but I'm super scared of the outside lmaoo so amazing of you to do that!! That's awesome!! Your trip looked super fun! I hope this year is great for you! You deserve it! I


Okay so aside for your talent and the fact that you’ve created my comfort comic, this is so CUTE 🥰 I rarely see the artists engaging this much with their fans. I’m glad to see you taking care of yourself and I’m wishing you all the good luck 🍀


Camping has gotten a bit more accessible to more people now (at least in my country), they're called Glamping! Which is like... a hand-holdey version of camping and super beginner friendly. Not sure if this kinda stuff exists in your area, but might be worth checking out!


Thanks for being so open! I was having a pretty rough time emotionally/mentally myself from ca. December to January (it's still not great, but better) and I honestly relate. Own expectations and social media can fck you up so bad


I found your work just a few months ago and instantly fell in love with it! The work you do means so much to a lot of people and I'm glad to have found it. Sounds like that vacation was really good for you and I hope you feel better soon! Thanks for all that you do!


it's fun to read what you've been up too! and it makes me happy that you take time for yourself and setting better habits. I'm doing the same personal work right now, feels relatable. We can do this y'all!


Love you author, thank you for being. We're better with you here with us.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-18 18:11:14 I definitely adore boyfriends and the art you post, but make sure you’re taking care of yourself too <3 I love that you have had such great experiences and revelations about yourself, and I can wait as long as it takes for you to prioritize yourself over everything else 💞
2022-02-18 17:02:43 I definitely adore boyfriends and the art you post, but make sure you’re taking care of yourself too <3 I love that you have had such great experiences and revelations about yourself, and I can wait as long as it takes for you to prioritize yourself over everything else 💞

I definitely adore boyfriends and the art you post, but make sure you’re taking care of yourself too <3 I love that you have had such great experiences and revelations about yourself, and I can wait as long as it takes for you to prioritize yourself over everything else 💞


Did you pet the lizard?