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HEYA GUYS, I wanna give some update about my life currently, and maybe some of my thoughts... heads up it's gonna be a bit vent-ey around the middle so feel free to skip that if you don't wanna see sdlfkjdsflsdjf

FIRST OFF... I got a setup update!!! I got a split keyboard, so hopefully I don't break my arms whenever I need to type (before, I would have to lean all the way to the left where my keyboard is, because my drawing tablet is directly in front of me).


Next, about merch... GAH I can't tell exactly what date I will launch my online store yet, but all of the items have arrived in my warehouse! It's only a matter of preparation on their end, and product photos from my end. I'm really hoping to get all that done just barely at the end of the month or super early September.

Here's some of the catalogue, I'll be posting the full thing once I have an exact launch date.

Hmm... another thing is I've started limiting my access to twitter/instagram, so if you see me not tweeting for a few days, don't worry I'm just not in there for a while. Actually please slap me if you see me there because I don't wanna be there...


It's been a bit hard to work on the comic lately (even though I managed to get ahead of my schedule haha,,,) I NEED TO GET MY MOJO BACK

I think... part of it is because I've been reading a lot of comments about the comic (OK THAT SOUNDS LIKE IM ACTIVELY READING THEM, nah it's just one day I HAPPENED to see webtoonofficial Instagram's post about Boyfriends), and it's really discouraging to see all the mean comments... and it's like??? I keep asking myself why I get so bothered about it, when a lot of other people have been very supportive. I know I should only listen to my editor and my peers... but my tiny hamster brain keeps tripping up whenever I see bad comments... I think it's very ungrateful of me to keep thinking about this, but, AHH idk my brain bad...

I feel like at some point I should have grown a backbone, I really don't get how bigger creators can stand even worse. It really sucks. I keep thinking why do I even make this comic anymore if it doesn't make me happy. Even though I am very thankful for all of the support, I make this comic for myself first and foremost (ok it's actually for my contract first and foremost AND THEN for myself). 

BUT YEAH umm I'm not looking for a pity party or anything, I'm not really looking for a solution or words of affirmation, I just wanna get all this stuff out of my head? Hopefully it will pass (it usually does lol, I recover pretty quickly). I hope to regain some love for this series again, because it is my baby... But then again, Boyfriends isn't the only story I want to tell, so even if I don't, it's not really the end of the world.

ALRIGHT SORRY FOR THE WALL OF TEXT thank you so much for staying around everyone, hope you all have a good day!!!



You’re doing amazing! The comic is excellent

Foxy Lovehound

I like the comic its good and entertaining with some fun characters don’t listen to the hate if ya need a break then take one but don’t let hate comments get ya down


Im really excited about the shop whenever it does open up and i hope you get your motivation back soon!


The comic is literally the only thing I look forward to every week… the art is sooo good I could cry?! And the story is so freaking cute that it is always an instant mood boost!! Screw the h8rs bc bb ur a STAR (and so is ur comic)!!


Your comic and characters are so much fun, your art style is AMAZING and I love the poly-rep! It's all done so beautifully!! 🥺🥰💖❤️😍 Thank you for creating it!


There will always be people who are mean, unfortunately. However, you have a great fan base and a lot of people who love and appreciate your work. Keep them in mind and try not to give the haters power. Good luck!


We're human. Mean comments get to all of us, It's okay! I understand how that could be affecting you, I really do recommend taking a break from social media like that cuz it can really mess up your head! Take your time, Find more inspo and mojo, And then get back into it when you feel like you can! 😁


You're doing such an amazing job Ray and it's totally understandable how people can be affected by the bad even when there's lots of good comments and support too!! Boyfriends is amazing and I hope you can find your love of it again, but at the end of the day you should do what makes you happiest 💚


Hey sweetie, being a creator is tough and it is really hard to shut out the negative. You are very brave! You created a comic that is very open and inclusive while alot of people still aren't.


Thank you for sharing what you did with us! It is real difficult to process the negative comments of others especially when the work you create is so personal (and freaking fantastic!). Your work has been such an inspiration and has really made me feel comfortable with my identity and seeing something like this on a larger public platform has really made a difference in my life (and I’m sure in the lives of others too!). Take some time to center yourself when you’re able and I know I’m certainly happy to see where your talent takes you!


You are amazing along with your creations! You are doing great work and for the mean people remember you have our support

Maria Massaro

Well you said you didn’t want a pity party or words of affirmation so I’ll just say I’m excited for the merch.


Love you, Ray! Always here for you <3 This comic is a source of comfort for many. I know it's hard to hear 1000 kind voices when there is a single one shouting very loudly. Mwah!


Just a reminder: nothing in life is permanent! Just like good moments come to an end, bad moments have an end too 💜 (btw I looooove your work so much 🥰)


Thank you for sharing how you feel, but we love and support you and all your work, that’s why we’re here!


Thank you for all you do ❤️ so many people online just want to tear down anything that's positive. Boyfriends is so wonderful and happy and your work is so gorgeous otherwise. Here's hoping the negative vibes pass soon; excited to see more from you and what you create in the future✨


oh ray please take care :< it's hard to get passed mean comments but love will always win! and you'll be mad buff when you get outta it!! looking forward to ur shop update too >=D




Please take care of yourself, you are a gem in a crappy world and you are wonderful! I am super excited for your merch and I hope you find your love for boyfriends again! But if you don’t that’s ok too just do what makes you happy!


Z comic is amazing


The internet comment section is lowest common denominator shit. Don't let trolls get you down, some idiots love to talk down about anything popular so they cab feel better about themselves for even half a second. Your comic brings so much joy and happiness to so many people.


Oh nooo! What is this post. I wanna say something to the bad commenters 👿 We love you and your work! Please take care of yourself and do what’s best for you. ❤️


Ur work is incredible!!!! Never doubt urself!!! People can be jerks😤


Don't listen to the haters! You're amazing, and Boyfriends (and your other work as well!) means so much to so many people! We love you!! And as a trans guy, I feel so much kinship to Felix~ I love seeing him pop up and I'll be getting ALL the Goth merch on launch! (My paychecks permitting lol)


I probably shouldn't be giving writing advice when I can't finish a single story ever, but one thing that helps me is when my stories have a set ending to work towards. Not necessarily a series ending, but a target to steer the story towards. So even if I'm not super motivated, I still have a heading to move towards.


It's been invaluable for my D&D sessions. Even when I was depressed and didn't prep anything, I knew what beats I wanted to hit, and the game went on.


nooow that set up is amazing!

Aeon Blu

It's not ungrateful to focus on the negatives, unfortunately that's how human brains tend to function sadly, just know there are many who love you're are and character and even though we might not be as vocal as those who are trying to shoot you down we're always going to support you and you're endeavor's ❤️ Much love


as a trans man I feel like you need to hear HOW important is for people like me to have a representation like Goth. We don't always see trans male and specially gay trans male in media. Finding Goth in Boyfriends. webtoon is a blessing. He became my kin character... So... yeaah may be some comments are mean but the impact you have on us we love your work is deeper than just "a funny story"... You choose who to give power to. The comments of the people that support you and aporeciate your work, or the people that want to be mean for the shake of being it without actually wanting you to grow.


I've been getting a LOT of hate comments on my art on Tiktok from anti-shippers, and here's something that helps me brush it off: the negative comments are not a reflection on you or reality. The people leaving those comments WANT you to feel bad about your art, yourself, etc. You could be the best artist in the world and they'd still leave comments saying "your art looks like crap" or anything else that is wildly untrue. You wouldn't be where you are if your work wasn't wonderful! And honestly...it doesn't even matter if your work is objectively good or not. Twilight wasn't objectively that great. It was a mediocre book but look at the massive success it was and the cultural impact it had that other "better" works could only dream of!

Alexandra B

Awww lots of love to you Ray! 🤗🥰 and to the Boyfriends ! 🖤💗💜💙 and to all the other stories you have in mind and maybe will share with us one day 💝💝💝 Wish you the best! Smooch smooch! Can't wait for the merch btw ! 😍💸


Hell yeah I’m getting all the acrylic stands! And hopefully charms if my wallet permits it 😆 I love your desk setup and the split keyboard looks so damn cool! I just want you to know that about 6 months before Corona happened, I had moved to Japan from the US and seeing your updates and rereading the previous chapters brightened my day and made my spirits improve while I was isolated during lockdown in my tiny apartment. Your art style and story is amazing and it’s certainly helped me through quite a few dark months and I just wanted to say thank you so much for that. I hope that you’ll be able to get your mojo and love for the series back and just know that we’ll all be here to support you with whatever you decide! 😊💕💕


I love your comic and it makes my day every time I see a fast pass episode, I buy coins just for your comic I love it 😻


your setup is absolutely amazing, i'm in awe! i know you said you didn't want a pity party, but i read another comment that talked about representation, and i just gotta say how important boyfriends is for us polyamorous people. your warm story about four guys dating melts my heart away. i feel comfortable reading this romance as i've never felt before. i can only imagine the frustration you feel with all those mean comments, and if you decide to interrupt boyfriends, at least we'll have awesome memories and the characters will always be in our hearts, and i'll definitely be catching on any other stories you write. i guess what i'm trying to say is just thank you, ray. for everything! lots of love 💕


I hope you know that you don’t sound ungrateful for being unable to filter out the mean things people are saying, I think it’s human to want people to like the things you work hard on!


oh man ray ;; remember that whenever ppl leave mean comments on the internet its always a reflection of them and never of u,,, theres a weird purity/censorship complex going on on the internet rn thats full of gatekeepers and ppl who like to police things bc THEY dont personally agree with it ((someone coined the term Chronically Online??)) it sounds cliché but a lot of ppl who talk shit online rly do do it to feel better abt themselves and prove that theyre "unproblematic" as possible that it just backflips into oppression and bullying.. . . . this was a mini rant and idk what my point rly is other than ur work is amazing and if you like it and ur peers like it then stick with that !!!!! u rly are bringing sth beautiful into the world and i hope you can find strength and encouragement in that <3333


People can be so miserable and hateful for no reason other than their own salty selves needing to feel important by bringing others down and it’s super lame and cruel. I love this comic and I’m so happy to be a patron and experience what you’re creating and doing, I think it’s neat to see behind the scenes stuff and it certainly makes me happy to see a healthy, happy poly relationship. 🧡


I love your art & I'll follow whatever you make, even if it's not boyfriends 💖


There's definitely a lot of great comments here already, but I'll echo some of what others have said too. I'm a gay Transman myself, and seeing Felix in such loving relationships and him portrayed in such a positive light is something I've been dreaming of for so long. I went through a traumatic relationship (unfortunately my first and longest lasting relationship), and it's been affecting me more and more lately. However, Boyfriends has been such a wonderful escape and seeing how love should be and how accepting they all are of Felix gives me a lot of hope. I can't speak directly about hate comments online, but something a professor has told me before is when we create art, and sometimes we even feel crappy about it, but there are people out there that will look at your piece(s) and say it's their most favorite thing in the world (Boyfriends is that for me). Those are definitely the ones to focus on. People online can be such trash, especially if they can remain anonymous, they seek to bring people down or claim certain things that are untrue (misinformed and otherwise). But I know that irking feeling when reading hate comments on videos and other things online that I love, it's definitely different when it's your own work. But the point is, you're doing a fantastic job and your feelings are valid. If you need a break, definitely take it! There is no shame in taking care of your health (mental or otherwise). We all love you so much and I can't wait to see what else you do!


People are jealous 😤 Keep up the good work, it always makes us happy 🥺💖 Sending you good vibes 💗✨💗✨


Wherever you end up, you’ll have my support! :) oh my goodness the merch, I want it all *makes little gremlin hand grabby motions*. I hope that things feel better soon.


Sorry I wish I had words to give you. Those comments were just people that you’ll probably never meet. I understand the feelings of giving up but I have faith you’ll recover and find your happiness on what makes you happy. I support whatever you do. Until then I’ll continue to read boyfriends anytime and any where around anyone 😅😊 because it’s the first WEBTOON I’ve fallen in love with 🥰😍 you got this! Sending love your way ❤️❤️‍🩹💗 Also…. 😍 *screaming* that set up is amazingly cute ! I’m so glad you have a better work space. Love it!!


Remember. For every 1 mean comment there are 100 more positive comments. Your work is a amazing and I look forward to its release every time I get a notification for a new episode I squeal with excitement. 💕


In Dec, myself and 3 of my friends will be attending a con. And some theme parks. We have plan to take the Boyfriends to Universal or Disney in cosplay.

Andrea Mares

Instagram comments are going the way of YouTube and can just be vile :( just listen to the audience you're trying to reach! (e.g. us + webtoon comments) The public won't understand and that's okay! It's not meant for them. Thank you and keep your head up lovely! You're doing amazing, sweetie. :)


Setup looking cleeaaannn. Advice that I've taken up recently is "don't take it personally". If anyone's in a bad mood they'll take it out in anyway they can. Some keep it bottled in, some just start attacking. They don't know you and they're taking advantage of being behind a screen to be mean. I can't say I've received hate comments myself, but I hope this helps in anyway. You're also totally have the right to stop if it isn't making you happy. Please never stop putting yourself first!! (and that contract...)


Don’t know if this will help but, I love your art so much. Literally obsessed with your comic, I’ve read it so many times (because it makes me feel safe, idk how to explain it but it calms me) and I’ve recommended it to so many people and they all love it !! What you’re doing as a whole is also very inspiring and motivational, that’s why I decided to join your patreon and support you because I truly feel like you’ve done so much and could do even more ! Ily, take a break if you need it. We’ll be here ❤️


I hope sometime soon you will write a comic that makes you overjoyed to create again !


You bring a lot of joy with what you do, it's easy to get beat down by people's negative opinions and I hope you can make it through this storm. Your work is so beautiful and heartfelt ♡♡♡


thank you for your hardwork💖 your art and comic always make me happy. sending you manymany virtual hugs and loves💖✨💖✨💖✨


I absolutely adore.this webtoon! It is so sweet and make me feel so happy reading it. honestly i dont know how anyone can say bad stuff. But life always have those people that wont like you or what you do for no reason so all you have to do is keep your head up and embrace the onces that likes your work.

Georgie Murphy

Honestly each time there's a new chapter I'm so happy (and jealous you can draw so well!!!) Don't pay attention to negative Nancy's online they will always all of us against those few!!! Your fans, we love you and your work! You can vent at us whenever you need xx


Honestly as a poly person with partners your comic has been SO amazing and influential to me, thank you so much for making it and please take your time to take care of yourself!


Sorry you e been seeing negative comments ☹️ I think some people just have to be unhappy with everything for no reason. I love your art and your comic, I hope the overwhelming love for your work can drown out that hamster running!!


I don't know how you could possibly be getting any bad comments about Boyfriends-- it is the single most amazing comic I have ever read in my life. I get so excited when I see a new chapter or that you've posted here. I'm poly and a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and I am so happy to see this representation. It means so much to me. Your art style is incredible and I love everything you do!!!


i hope those negative comments aren't hurting your drive too much, there's so many people that enjoy everything you put out (me included!)

Hayley Eaton

Well, I want you to know that you we are here and we love you and your artwork don’t let haters keep you down 😤🥰

Marina Andrade

don't get too strung up about those comments! you are doing an amazing job with the comic, really! hope you get more motivated soon, we're all rooting for you here


Mean comments have a way of getting under the skin, it sucks. All I can say is we love you, we love your work, we love your characters so so much. You do amazing work! We're here to support you!!💪


just know that we got your back!! i'm so very thankful for your amazing art and storytelling! it sucks when our heads end up focusing on those negative reviews or stupid shit that WE KNOW that it's stupid but it still gets to us. believe us, boyfriends is the right amount of cute, sexy, mature and goofy. it is so so fresh even after all these years (years? idek tbh). 10/10 soup of awesomeness yum yum. i hope that in the future, you get inspired and fall in love all over again with the comic (which is still your precious baby) but that these assholes that put it down or put you down just trip down a set of stairs and choke on their own tongue. there are some people that can't make contructive criticism or just IGNORE when they don't like something. love you, love boyfriends and your ocs and fanarts, stay safe and we'll keep supporting! xoxo

Alex Richmond

Brains are wired in really ineffective ways; negative comments weigh much more in your mind than positive ones. It’s not my favorite evolutionary aspect of being a person, but it does mean it’s unfortunately really normal to have trouble not dwelling on the negative even when you’re surrounded by positive. Your comic is great and important but other people have said that more articulately already, so let me instead tell you about the top five dogs I’ve seen this month: 1) a very long haired scottie dog named Beverly who I am convinced solves mysteries in a sleepy seaside town 2) the biggest dog I’ve seen in my life, just chilling in someone’s yard. I would guess it was a great dane but it had long-ish fur? I want to ride it into battle as my faithful steed 3) a small dog riding in a person’s backpack while they were bicycling and the DOG WAS WEARING SUNGLASSES, I hope to one day be as cool as this dog 4) a chihuahua in a denim vest, that’s it, that’s the sentence 5) an eight week old corgi named Pancake who was so excited to be alive and outside it was inspiring


Brains are weird. Let yours settle and know that we are all eager for more!


I know I'm just a stranger on the internet, but I hope you can feel my sincerity. Boyfriends is incredible, and I cannot express how much happiness it has brought to my life. I know that sounds like a silly thing to say over a comic, but it is true. The vibes and characters are just fun and adorable! I cannot help but smile when I read it. I know that people are assholes, but I hope you can remember for that every one person who spreads hate there are so many more who spread love! You have something special here! You are doing amazing! I hope that you feel better soon!


Negative comments aren’t easy to deal with. It’s said that 1 negative comment carries the same psychological weight as 10 positive ones. I wouldn’t beat yourself up too much about feeling bad because that’s natural. A lot of huge creators break down from bad comments too and have their social media handled by someone else, have bad comments filtered by moderators or certain words banned from the comment section so that they don’t have to see them, which helps them a lot with what they do by allowing them to stay in a happy and healthy mindset so they can be creative. That’s not possible for everyone, but I think you’re doing the right thing avoiding the comments. Also, just remember that most of the people who are commenting them are really upset and angry people who are taking out their own personal problems with their own lives on others. It’s nothing against you personally. Your work is amazing and you should definitely share it. It means so much to everyone it represents!


Your feelings are so valid Ray, and sadly negativity will always come at some points when sharing anything with the general public. Despite all the bad comments just know that there are millions more positive ones from all of your supporters and genuine fans of your work! I also want to recommend therapy, and I don't want this to come off the wrong way at all, because I have also been affected greatly by negative things said to me in the past and have an issue of internalizing them despite knowing that they shouldn't hurt me as much as they did. It is just a friendly suggestion because it helped me greatly and also helped me learn to process comments or things said to me in healthier ways. If this doesn't apply and you were just venting for this one situation, please ignore everything I suggested as I don't want to cross any boundaries. But know that it comes from a place of love and support, and all of us here (plus many more!) are positively affected by you and Boyfriends and your art in general <3 much love

Kirby (つ◕_◕)つ

Your setup is amazing and adorable! ✨💖 I can’t wait to buy a ton of merch to put up near mine. Boyfriends will always also hold a special place in my heart bc I’m trans and gay and it’s not often we get representation that’s as casual and well-done as yours has been. So seriously, thank you from the bottom of my lil queer heart. Most importantly though, I love your art and value you as a person and creator (even though I don’t know you) and want you to be happy and thriving - so do whatever you need to do, and know that you’ll always have supporters behind you!


I know my one comment can’t cancel out the bunch if mean comments but for me your comic gives me hope. It sounds kinda cheese but I am truly so thankful for the boyfriends series. As someone who has had to deal with a lot of issues surrounding my own identity and sexuality this comic always puts me in a good mood. This is my go to comic to read whenever I’m feeling down or just having a bad anxiety day. I’ve probably re-read each chapter up to 10 times 🥲 your characters are all so lovable and the fact that this is a story about a polyamorous relationship just starting out really makes it my favorite. And when I say it puts me in a good mood just to see this comic I mean I have like 8 widgets of your art and my phone background is always the newest one you put up. It makes me smile every time I unlock my phone. I’m sorry you get mean comments but I want you to know how important your work is to me and no matter what your happiness comes first.


Maybe just have a little break for yourself. I have like 6 different comics that I write and I just switch off between them and take little breaks. Whenever I get back to an old one, it feels so good, like seeing an old friend again.


Are any of those bitches making mean comments writing/drawing their own comments? No. Let those tiny, jealous people live their tiny, unfulfilled lives. The only emotion they deserve from you is pity 💅


And I do hope you rediscover your love for boyfriends so I can get the NSFW Super Sexy Edition in print on my bookshelf one day 💕

Miraculous Elcie

It definitely helps me to talk things out, too! Come to us anytime you need a pick me up!




I just wanted to say that you are completely valid to feel the way you do. People suck. Seriously.


As a poly enby person I can say that your comics hold an extremely special place in my heart. Your comics are both real and fun. There is hardly any quality poly content out there so from the bottom of my heart thank you THANK YOOOU 😭♥️♥️♥️


People can be super cruel online. Seeing your comics is always a highlight but if they aren't bringing you joy then there's no shame in taking a step back! Take care of yourself first, we're all here for the ride ^^ As a nonbinary person who is probably polyamorous seeing such great representation in your comics is so refreshing. I know you said you weren't looking for compliments but I wanted to let you know how I feel to hopefully raise your spirits! Much love always


So so sooo excited for the shop!!


It can be discouraging at times when people leave negative comments! I hope you find your mojo and cast away all those negative people that obviously have nothing better to do. People will always have an opinion on this and that but continuing focusing on the positive things and the wonderful people who support you and your comic! I for one am a big fan, your comic makes my life happier ❤️❤️


You are totally allowed to put yourself first! We'll always be here for you and along with you on your journey ♡♡♡


you’re doing amazing sweetie! 💗


you have created my favorite comic ever i adore everything about it and that being said take as much mental health breaks as you need bc you’re amazing and well wait for you forever 💞💞💞

Evander & Cass

I know you probably won’t see this, but I am poly, and when I found your comic, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I’ve cried over the incredible representation you’ve managed to portray for everyone to see. And I wanted to bawl when i got to where we find out goth is trans, because he was who I related to the most and I am in fact trans as well. It was just so validating to have media that portrays us in such a normal way….I really hope you find the energy and pizzaz again, because I appreciate everything you do.