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Hi everyone!!! Hope you have been doing good? It's been a while since I made a Patreon post since last month I paused membership... I've been very busy doing two conventions back to back, both super stressful separately but I HAVE EMERGED FROM THE ASHES AND CAME OUT VICTORIOUS!!!

Anyway here's a recap of what happened if you care heheh :3c

▶︎ • A-SIDE : DOKOMI •

Starting off with Dokomi... there were already two headaches leading up to the event. I sent out a package in advance containing my merch to Germany so I didn't have to carry them in my suitcase, but it wasn't arrivinggggggg... It's extra stressful because my friend's stuff is in there as well, so I feel an extra layer of responsibility. The other headache was the fact that my tourist visa to go there was SUPER LATE... It finally did come out one day before my flight so I wasn't even sure until the absolute last minute that I was going lmfao

I decided to bring some merch in my luggage after all, and then it turns out that the package did arrive, and I ended up having... too much stuff? BUT I sold out on a lot of things, made so much money, WAHOO (it's my most successful convention so far!), and it all worked out!

Decapitated Kakashi at the scene of the crime...

I would say this is the best booth I've set up so far! I'm happy with how it turned out (even though it wasn't 1 : 1 what I envisioned, I brought wire grids that were too big compared to the panels I rented there lol). I was going for an ice cream shop/minimart sort of vibe, and I think it works ^^

FEAST YOUR EYES!!! They look so gooooood <3

This is also the first convention where I tried my hand at selling my 18+ works. Usually, I'm too shy to get them printed... but I have someone who did them for me ^^ THEY SOLD LIKE HOTCAKES!!! I should've brought more, but as it was my first time, I was unsure if people would even be interested (doubly so since the doujins were sold in a different booth than mine, as per the 18+ rules). Either way, I was super happy with my performance at this convention, and I'll definitely be returning to Dokomi if I were to have the chance!


Another tidbit is that I had my birthday on the Saturday of the event, but the convention was so busy and tiring and I didn't have the energy to go out, so here's my birthday dinner...

Aaaaand that's about it for Dokomi! I met some old friends and new ones, signed so many books, got shit talked behind my back by a Dokomi staff/volunteer lmfao??? But all in all it was a fun experience, thank you everyone who visited me at the convention!


OK NOW TIME FOR ANIME EXPO!!! I flew in from Dusseldorf to LA and was actually on the same flight as another artist from the convention (they noticed the shirt I wore was made by our mutual friend, and it turns out all three of us are going to both Dokomi and Anime Expo haha).

When I landed in LA... first food I got was Chipotle HAHA... I looked so excited to be there that the lady at the counter gave me free chips :3

The next day, my friends force-fed me Denny's because that's the all-American experience...

I got stomach issues the day after...

Onto the convention itself! So actually I find it slower than Dokomi, which was a sentiment shared by at least two of my other friends. I still had a lot of fun (and sales) at AX, but I guess it didn't meet my expectations since a lot of people have always hyped it up as the most crowded con that moves the most sales. Or maybe I'm just not that popular in the US, compared to EU? HAHA Either way, it was more chill, which works out for me (copium) since I was so tired from Dokomi.

During the convention, I also had a signing in the Kinokuniya booth. It was such an honor to be there, so cool to see my books being sold under the Kinokuniya banner ;w; Kinokuniya bookstores used to be plenty in Indonesia and I used to go to them as a child, so I feel like I've come full circle.


I've also done a couple shikishis for them! They told me they're very happy with the signing, and that they'll be framing/displaying the shikishi boards on their LA and NY stores.

 Wow! I feel like a true mangaka now!

I also got connected to a buncha businesses and companies that are interested in my works, so that was pretty interesting. I hope to get some of these connections realized into some cool projects, so pls prayge for me 🙏

AND AND AND Just like in Dokomi, I met a bunch of my friends! It's so interesting to meet friends that I've been mutuals with FOR LIKE ALMOST A DECADE... It's so funny meeting my BTS mutuals cuz we sorta grew in the same fandom but we have now branched out into our own things, it feels like a high school reunion. I met one of my biggest inspirations for Boyfriends, which is my friend Bwa, and they wrote me a letter that made me cry ;w;

One of my fav purchases lol... made by Maobabie, who was super sweet and gave me so many freebies ueeee ;w;

I had dinner with several different friend groups, trying to hang out with as many people as I could since it was a rare chance for me to see them. It was so heartwarming to finally meet them... I don't have many words for it uhuhu. I just am very happy!!!!

Something I caught after AX... Couple goals...


AFTER AX... I still had a buncha things to do. First off is a signing at animate! People there were so nice and accommodating and I actually cried during the signing lol... (CRINGE). Again, it was super cool to have my work somewhat recognized, so that was very memorable.

The staff were super nice and cool to talk to... thank you so much for having me!

Just like in Kinokuniya, I did a shikishi for them!


And last thing I had to do was visit Webtoon's office! I finally met my editor, and did a super Americaboo drawing for the Webtoon artist guestbook LMFAO... (IT WAS BECAUSE JOCK WAS SO POPULAR IN AX, more so than usual, and I just had to bring out the Kevin Nguyen in him)


AAAAAAND I think that's all about my trip! I just got back yesterday and started to go through my luggage, photos, and additional work... I'll be back on track soon. Thank you so much for reading, and see you in the next post!


Buki Ai

So glad you had a fun filled time! Would you ever put the bound version of the 18+ works available to purchase? Or like how would we be able to print it for our own collections?


__--__ I wanted to go to AX specifically to go to your booth cuz I dont really attend AX too often anymore except for Really Special Chizz (too heat sensitive and claustrophobic and I just generally suck with crowds more the older I get^^; ) I had to help my mum pay for my grandma's accessibility devices (shower chair, toilet chair for the room, walker) and our water bill cuz the new meter was apparently not set up properly so the readings were ridiculous. But if you ever come out here to AX again, I am going to be That One Chica that comes and buys 1 of everything. And omfg I really wanna cry cuz I'd have definitely gotten all of the 18+ books. I have been dying to have print copies😭😭😭


(The first got too long ) I'm glad you had fun but just know Denny's is a No-No. Go for IHOP ;3 And try In'N'Out next time.


Im glad it went fine :3 also ik german hehehuebsnskkskskdjjd I hope i meet u one day and by so much cool stuff right from ur booth im gonna be so unhumanly happy 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵 >.<

Tyler Johnson

Thanks for posting and talking about sales and events, it's super inspiring and motivating!! 🥹❤️