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HELLO!!! I HAVEN'T ABANDONED MY PATREON DW!! Although I'll be super super busy this coming month cuz I'm preparing for both AX and Dokomi sobs...

If you're going to either of these cons, I hope to see you there! This artwork is for an AX stamp rally with a bunch of other Webtoon creators. If you don't know, the stamp rally is a mini event where you can purchase something from each one of our booths, get a stamp on a stamp rally card, and trade it in for various prizes /o/ it's my first time joining a stamp rally so I'm excited for it!




Love this art 🩷🥹 I know traveling can be tiring so I hope you get lots of rest and don’t overwork yourself, Ray!


Yoo I just got an email about plushies launching next month Im so excited >_<💜💜