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Hey its been a busy last week for me. Long story short, i had a tooth infection and got a root canal, my sister got covid and i found out that im going to be a uncle soon (older brother).

So yeah, hasnt been the most productive last week but i do have a animation i will be posting shortly~

Moving forward, im going to continue working on a model i started awhile back. Shadowheart from Baldurs Gate 3. I know shes not the most popular character but i do want to do characters im really interested in from time to time, regardless of popularity :>



Hope everything goes well! Congratulations also


Congrats on becoming an uncle!


Thank you for the update! Congrats on being an Uncle and take all the time you need. Looking forward to what you come up with for Shadowheart. Keep on keeping on dude.


Congrats on becoming an uncle soon! Get better soon to yourself (had a root canal myself too not too long ago) and to your sister (thankfully no cases of Covid in my family)! I would love to see Shadowheart, you should definitely do that. Doing characters you're interested in is always a good thing, as that means you care, and that'll reflect in your work. You do you brother 👍




hi, anybody know if there are archive links available?