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Been working on 2 animations. First one i wasnt too happy with and was having some technical issues with the rendering engine i use. So i decided to start another animation and come back to it later~

2nd animation is finished and sent off for sound. 1st animation is as finished as i can get it without retarting. The technical issue im not sure how im going to get around but i think i can if i gt creative~



I'm sure you have enough creativity to complete these projects) Thanks for the update. Good luck!


Making 2,000 a month you must be living the life


Let's be honest here, in this world if your not making around 3500 a month then it's tight, imagine doing all this effort and working a full time job. That's not living the life, just wanted to give you perspective on things.


That’s 4,200 a year UF consistent


You think 2K is a lot??? Check out TurboDriver maker of Wicked Whims for The Sims 4. https://www.patreon.com/wickedwoohoo (Last I checked, when I was subbed, was he was pulling in a little over 15K a month and what he does is make small updates when EA updates the game, just a couple lines of code. Animators have to do a ton more stuff, if they are using Blender. ) Also, 2K a month in some states in the US is below poverty level.