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Animation underway! Should have it ready in the next day or 2. The render times are a bit hefty :s

Also a question about polls. Usually i'll just do a polls for which character to use to people would like to see me port. I also did a poll once or thrice with poses and references. Was just wondering if people would like to see that more and even going further and doing polls for general themes of a animation.

I guess what im asking if people would like to see more polls, that arnt just for which character to use.



Other polls would be a great way to mix things up a bit


Polls are great when people vote the same way I do :P JK - the more polls the better! Best way to "give the people what they want", so to speak

Robert Arctor

The theme is actually more important to me than the specific pose, and I think it would be good for you to add some sort of disclaimer that if you start working on a pose and then it turns out that a different one works out better - be it the models, the textures, the lighting, or just the fact that it doesn't inspire you as much - then you reserve the right to pick a different one rather than sink a month into something you don't believe in.


To add to the comments above. I would say just only put stuff/choices on the votes that you are already willing and interested in doing to begin with. I've been a member of other patreon pages in the past where the creator was putting options on big votes that in some cases they flat out didn't like. but were doing it for the sake of "having variety". And then which option can you imagine ended up winning by a big margin? Yeah... the one the creator hated. Which then sucked for the members because the creator would then either go back on their promise or worse yet would muddle through it and we would end up with something that was clearly done half-assed. So moral of the story; I like the idea of us as members having more opportunities to guide what gets created. But please only have choice/options on the votes that is of things you are already cool with doing in the first place.