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So tumblr went and deleted my blog. Tumblr doing damage control since there app got removed from the apple store because of crappy filters that let child porn through.

I've heard a few people saying they got theres back by contacting support. I sent them a ticket almost 30 hours ago and haven't got a response yet.

I'll probably be moving to Reddit, Twitter or Pixiv. Not sure which one, maybe all of them.

Back to regular news. Working on 2 animations at the moment. 1 of Cindy (Final Fantasy) and the other of Triss (Witcher 3). Will have 1 posted in the next day or 2~



Best alternative is a Pleroma or a GNU Social instance, or any other ActivityPub service that is linked to the Fediverse. Certainly not Twitter. They are even worse than dumblr.

Anon E.

Sucks to hear that, maybe its time to move all together


Only a small part has been purged, unfortunatelly you are in that small part. But the Big rest still active in tumblr.. i suggest you wait a little longer for a tumblr reply of your reactivation claim, and if that not happen then create a new tumblr account, the remaining artists will help you to recover big part of your followers. the other sources you mentionated are not so good. Stay in tumblr pls.


how about telegram


Did you get an answer. I contacted them 4 days ago.. still no answer..


It's so unfair, man. It's not your fault that they have stupid filter for adult content. I think that I speak for all of us here that we cover your back