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TLDR: Semi-hiatus after this month, until Winter at earliest.  Focus will be on commissions only, regular models may become fewer bc many commissions over last 1.5 years = private.  ENV tier ending updates after this month, many releases there will be made free in future.  Commission price going up.  When I do full return, rest of prices will go up.  Have been allowed to sell some of previous private commission works, so will see promos for these on feed.

3 years ago, this page was started as effort to share my work since enough people from Discord bothered me to do it. At start, had only been doing practice 3d works for 6-7 months, trying to learn best ways for silence own inner critic so that would not embarass myself with bad quality release. Thought was $2=fair price for absolute noob's work.  When had free time, would spend ton of it practicing, watching videocourses+ doing tutorials so that could improve skills.  

In current time, now believe this effort have made me one of strongest/most skilled artists in VAM. But also since this time, have moved countries and welcomed 2nd kid. My time now is less available+more costly. Over past ~1.5 years, have taken increasing amount of private commissions that have help offset expenses, which combining with IRL events were leaving less time for work on public models. Commissions, esp private model commissions, now make up biggest chunk of work and is not even close. In IRL, will be taking bigger responsibilites at my job.  All this mean less time for public VAM work.

For these reasons+more will be taking following steps:

  • Semi-hiatus until at least Winter, only commissions will be worked on.
  • Previous paywall releases will eventually be made free + hub release
  • Regular public works will become more irregular.  Full remake of SFV Cammy will release soonish + HOTS model commission will release later in month, but after this nothing is guaranteed.  As said before, majority of commissions that work on are private and never see release.  All depend on commission schedule+decision of commissioners to make public or private.
  • With commissioners permission, some previous private commissions will be available for purchase, will post some promo screenshots+info for individual ones.  But be advised that by agreement 
  • ENV work will have one last release, then will discontinue for foreseeable future.  ENV releases will eventually be made public.  Unsure if ENVs after that will return as own tier, or be occasional bonus.
  • Some tier consolidation
  • Commission prices going up, my skills+ cost of living now much higher than when first started.  Considering skills that spend 25-30+ hours on each one, I think this is better reflection of cost per hour.
  • After I do full return, base tier costs will also go up.  When consider amount of VAM creators charging 5-10x more than me for generic shit created in 5 mins with ingame morph sliders only, I think this is fair.
  • Future releases after this month will move to Discord
  • Full return much more likely when VAM2 have first beta, but ATM do not personally expect this until 2024

This is difficult but necessary decision bc have spread myself thin trying to do everything.  Some of you prob will leave during this, and would like to say thank you for your support.  My personal belief is my public work provided greatest cost($2) vs quality for longest time, but that ultra-cheap time now is ending very soon.

As always, if you wish to contact me, for commission, help or anything else, send me DM here or preferably Discord @neci3d.

Thank you


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