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Hello!  Back again with another release, this time is Lidia Sobieska, Prime Minister of Poland, from Tekken 7.  Have never made politician before so pls no gulag. :D  Lot of effort go into this one since she use different skin than other T7 females and lot of weird shader tricks that was need do lot of trial and error for replicate in VAM.

So anyway this one was take forever bc basically had learn do hair by myself.  Ton of attempt and even my wife help out some by point out how terrible some of attempts look. :D  So finally got one that am sort of happy with and now share with you.

Again, thank all of you for supporting which allow me continue spend lot of time for bring high quality models to you.

(Was supposed to be 24hrs ago etc but in life shit happen, was eat bad food, get sick, 0/10 would not do again.)


  • 35+ hrs work for bring character to life for VAM
  • Canon face/body/proportion, adjustments have made for elbows/knees, inner thighs for prevent weird issues when bend
  • Hair by me with too many hrs spent trying make something that do her justice, think have ok this time!
  • Extreme obsessive attention to details as you all expect from my works
  • Include 2 outfit, Default+ Swimsuit, all have sim elements
  • 2 set of full body skin texs, default and wet version for full detail in VR
  • Include extra morph of busty version, was extra unused in gamefiles and figure some may prefer this one.
  • Include car, phone, and file props from her in-game intros

Available HERE 




Another fantastic port.