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First thing, holy shit was lot of vote this time!  Thank you again to all new patron and hope you all stick with me.  Those of who were vote but your choice not win, do not lose your hope.  Will explain more, but current thinking is unfinish model have priority for get work on+release atm.  Tbh is annoying see them on my pc and not release yet, like is personally attack me for not finish. :D  

Vote was VERY close until last few hours when winner get like 8 votes and pull ahead.  So to my surprise, Zafina win last poll.  Was sort of hoping for Aloy win since would help grow patrons more, but am not really complainer about this.  Have played Tekken since was little kid and good amount of time was spend on play her.

Because Zafina just need new normal map, clothes import +  polish, she should be finish+upload around 28th-30th at very very latest.  Aloy come after Zafina.  If everything work in plan, Aloy should be release in first 5 days next month.
After Aloy, is guaranteed MK9 char.  I want all these unfinish model done.  Because unfinish model take much less time for work+ release, is look like will have 3 release next month.

I have not forgot those who vote for SFV chars either, so for next model poll after MK9 release will have SFV option.

Thank you all for vote, will be share progress in more updates soon.


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