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New+ improved version of morph, few things about old morph were wrong to me.    

IMPORTANT: This is assume you already have Kitana model. If you do not have Kitana model yet but would like to, see post here , it has been update as well with new morph + info so will not need download this if you are get Kitana model for first time.

Has now fully canon proportions and other few fix, notes below 

  • Reshape armpit area for fix weird clipping/tearing issue when arms down at sides 
  • Reshaped breasts for match canon proportions, slightly bigger/rounder+less unnatural shape
  • Longer neck+smaller head as in original game model,  inner mouth+teeth have made adjusted for fit
  • Adjusted waist/butt for match canon proportions
  • Legs now longer for match canon proportions
  • Model now much more symmetrical, might not be able tell difference but was very ez for see when look at mesh in blender
  • Small few fixes around face/head/ears area for fix symmetry and fix clipping

For install, drag folder contents in vam directory and should place automatically files in correct position.  New scene file in saves/scene/VGC/KitanaMK9_SKThroneroom/ named KitanaMK9_morphV2.json

If have already saved look and want swap morph for new one, load look then zero old morph and use new morph name KitanaMK9_v003c under category VGC.





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