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Is possible next release, but have other models near ready, thoughts?  Should add MK9 Skarlet costume?

Environment is MK9 Shao Kahn throneroom, I think will be separate release




WOW 😍😍😍


If you plan on doing the mk9 scarlet later i wouldn't include the outfit. if this is the only scarlet you plan on making then i would threw her mk9 outfit in also. Buts it's your call. nice throne room definitely gonna look out the that.


Skarlet MK9 not have face under mask in texfiles, and rest of face geometry is Sonya but with diff eyes. Hair same as Sonya also. What would you like see?


Ive been waiting for a number of characters to be created. Like starfire and Harley Quinn from injustice 2, sindel from mk11. I also want a proper cortana model. Some other characters I thought about like dvorah from mk11, Kat from halo reach and mileena from MKX. But it's ultimately up to you. Those are just character I would love to see.


Sindel MK11 already on for future list, have complete MK9 Sindel already. Mileena/Dvorah impossible for reason of rigging nightmare. Am currently work on more Tekken 7 models (Nina/Zafina) but after is undecided.


If you do MK9 Sonya Blade then consider me a patron.


Would like do personally more MK9+Tekken7 models/envs but is decides by patron vote. SFV most popular request atm but will see what is big request next.