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Post made by NSFW18Games

Hi all ;)

Today, I'm announcing the release date of My Escort Company!

The Early Access will end May 31st and the game will be available on version 1.0!

Little Post-Mortem on EA.

This period was very intense and didn't really go as I planned.
I didn't think it would be that complicate to dev for an Early Access, version everything and "half save" a lot of stuff to be sure every past implementations didn't break the game in future updates. It was exhausting and a real headeck.

You might think (and I was thinking the same) Early Access is just like normal game development but it's not at all, it's very different and it's taking double time to do anything...

I may also have released the first version too early on Steam which resulted in bad reviews and a big loss in early visibility. We did a lot of Alphas / Pre-alphas on Patreon for the last games but Steam would have required a Beta version with at least 30/50% of the game completed (instead of 10%).

Plus, my mistake of validation the wrong pricing for the EA (at $10 instead of $3) and you end with several bad reviews ("too early","too expensive")...

I hope those bad reviews will not penalized the final release too much...

>>> I repeat it every time and I'm sorry about that but don't forget to review the game ASAP, it may not seem important but they are super very helping!

For the next projects, I will go for something smaller and smoother with  some AI content I created in the back during MEC development. I will  tell you more about this in another post after MEC release.

About the Release

With the end of the early access, I gave the Steam page a big facial reconstruction with new description, new screenshots and soon a new "Teaser"/Promotional video which is currently in the making and should be available the final day. I count on your to share the link, video, posts and Steam page on the 31st make the game visible!

You can also already start flooding the Steam discussions with tips and the Steam Discussion or our Discord with your favorite posings/kinks/cutscenes !
Don't hesitate to @NSFW18G if you post on Twitter some content about the game, I would be happy to retweet it!

Release Contest for Patrons ONLY

Thanks to Jul3D, I will organize for RARE+ ($5+) Patrons only a giveaway of physical goods made with the game assets. This giveaway will start the day of the release for few days. It will not be a contest just a "rise your hand if you want a chance to win it".

Jul3D will organize the same giveaway on his Patreon but it will be two different contests with two prizes to win. Not two contest for one prize.
If you are one of it's supporter you can also participate on his giveaway to win it.

Other Platforms

Another info, my Escort Company will be available on Gumroad & Itch.io on Day 1 but probably end of June on Nutaku.

It will be available on all platforms at the same price: $10.

Now that you know everything, tell me what you think about the game overall and the project itself, how did you experience the dev on your side?! Was it too long? Not enough communication? What would you improve?


See you soon.



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