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Hi all!

My Escort Company is available on Steam as an Early Access game for $8.99 ($9.99 -10% during a week)!

Feel free to share the news around you and in your Steam friend list/groups!
Here is a tweet if you want to RT: https://twitter.com/Nsfw18G/status/1600255887272079362

What's New?

  • NEW - Profile: I removed the "description picture" from the library to create a real profile with more info and stats. It will improve in time, including level ups and bonuses but also unlocked content in the gallery.
  • NEW - New Lewd Content - one kink reward for each girl. It will be locked content in the future so be ready! For now it's still a picture but it will turn in this video very soon (next update):

  • NEW - Streamer Mode/Naughty Mode. You can select it when you create your company or in the settings panel. It will hide all the NSFW content of the game.

  • IMPROVEMENT - Recruitment panel will be the "manage girl" panel soon. I changed the picture for something less "locked" and adaptive (also added shadow). More coming soon on this panel!
  • IMPROVEMENT - Name of City (Twitter poll) and Name of Player in INTRO are now correctly displayed.
  • IMPROVEMENT - Girls in the city are now with "normal clothes" instead of the pink dress and with the pink dress after recruitement in the office.
  • IMPROVEMENT - Kinks are also censored now. They are cosplay names instead of sexual kinks. If you have a better idea I'm open to suggestion on this.
  • BUG - Karaoke & Restaurant were buggy. Fixed.
  • BUG - Changing the language in Settings wasn't changing all the texts.


- Discord: https://discord.com/invite/SUp8drcewR
- Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1759920/discussions
- In comment here

See you soon!




I was looking for the game and I could find it. I live in germany and it doesn't show up in the search in the steam shop :/


Hello, For Germany it will be available soon on IndieGala and Gumroad ;)