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According to the survey " Which image resolution do you prefer?" many of you want a 4K image.

So I'm going to add the 4K images very soon :)
It's gonna take a lot of work because I have to take each pose one by one ^^ to give you an idea, a 4K image takes me about 20 to 30 minutes to be processed by my computer against only 5min for Full HD.
Which is why I preferred to create a new Tier3 with 4K image available.
I hope Tier1 and Tier2 won't hold it against me ;)

I'd like to know what you think about this and vote for the new price of Tier3 you'd like to have. 

Thanks for your support :)

See you soon !



for the price I rather agree for the price of $ 5


5$ sounds fair if you compare to the rest of content creators i follow here, you gonna have many that feel it's good price in my oppinion


Thank you, I admit I didn't even look at the price compared to the other creator but if you tell me it's okay then it's fine :)