Door 2 Door (Mommy's Quest) Update + Release Date + Emma Update? (Patreon)
Well, well, well... if you're in the market for a Door 2 Door update, have I got an update for you! Why don't you take a seat...
Door 2 Door is almost done! We are shooting for a release of the 22nd (but possibly sooner).
How does that make you feel? ...
As a reminder we will not be continuing work on the Mommy's Quest! game due to steam banning it from their platform... BUT we are going to continue the story via an animation series.
And... how does this make you feel?
ALSO! If you like Emma (for whatever reason) check out her remodel! We made some gigantic improvements in terms of what she can do and er... what can get done to her... YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN? HAHAHAHA.... I am not going to go into super detail about her updates, but check out the pictures! (EDIT: Just to be clear, the Emma under Mary is EMMAS OLD MODEL, The other picture is her NEW model)
Now, tell me... how does THIS make you feel?
OK SO, it turns out I Lied, and I will go into some super details about Emma's new remodel... The most important things are:
- 1) Her breasts now use a cloth system (we are going to do this for ALL characters from now). It looks a lot in motion and bounces around a lot more like real breasts!
- 2) Anus/vagina are totally different now and allow for a LOT more control and for a LOT larger objects to be inserted into them.
- 3) New Hair shader!
- 4) All new skin textures (still a work in progress but this part should be done today)
There are some other things but I guess this is the most important. Now that you know all this, how does this make you feel?
Also, does anyone have some BOFA?