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Hello! I have sorta returned to work... however, as you probably heard, my gallbladder broke up with me this week. It's really sad because we had been together our whole life but she just became so toxic and one thing led to another and now she's gone forever, or something.

Anyway, I am still recovering from surgery. I can work for a few hours at a time so I will be trying to catch up on everything this weekend.

SO we are shooting for a release date of September 22nd for AMRL10. It would have been at least a week sooner but thing's got a little delayed because of my surgery.

Also, I want to say thank you to everyone for all the kind messages, DM's and replies to my posts. It really made me feel special to see all the kindness and support. I know people go through this stuff all the time so I wanted to say, if you are going through something, I wish the best for you and I hope that you recover soon and stronger than ever.

I am a bit overwhelmed because I have a LOT left to do but I will post another update on Monday or maybe over the weekend!



Dale Diaz

nice cock


See...a 9/15 release for my birthday would have been perfect


Take care of yourself first and fore(skin)most. You are most important. We can edge on but your wellbeing is the priority. Sending love!