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  • AMRL10_Part2Preview04.mp4



HELLO AGAIN! I must be honest, I am surprised to see you here! After my mandatory penis reduction lawsuit, I thought I had been cancelled ... lol oh well... I guess there is always next time.

HERE is an animation preview of Mary and Maggie doing "stuff" I really like this preview because it shows of some new stuff we are going to start incorporating more often. I will leave you to figure out exactly what new things I am talking about though because I am far too lazy to type out 2 more sentences to explain myself. Instead, I will type out additional sentences that are totally unnecessary... like this one. And the next two (and this one too).

Let's just say... "penis" and leave it at that, mmm kay?

As always, please have your pets spayed and neutered to help control the stray animal population!




Love the new feet textures... Maggie's curled toes and wrinkled soles are a very welcome improvement to your already amazing content... Can't wait to see further applications of this unprecedented attention to detail with your characters' feet <3

Terrence Bohlken

Ok Ok OKKKKKK!!!!!!.....Maggies cute Little Toes Curling is so Amazing.......Made My Old PENIS......Yes I said PENIS Tingle.........Thank God Marys Amazing PENIS hasnt shrunk that would be a like defacing a National Landmark.......Keep up the good work Red and as always....May the PENIS be with You.....

Miriam Henry

So when will it be available to watch ?


Love the toe curling. Very hot feet. Very excited to see more in the future


I dont have a specific date yet but we are working hard on it! I imagine 2-3 weeks at most.


Faster please, I love your videos, hello from Texas, I am cuban


thats awesome, your 'camera' movements are getting better with every video, it feels super natural