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Hello Mr Penis (I am speaking to your penis, not to you, please turn away and give your penis some alone time with the computer, thank you)!

Here is a tiny update for AMRl10! Just wanted to let you know that we are working hard on getting this done. Ok Mr Weenie? Who's da weenie? WHOS DA WEENIE?!?! *weenie pats*

OK i'm going to get back to work. You can tell your friend they can get back on the PC now!

May the foreskin be with you!




I'd love for a what if episode where new design Mary fucks classic design Mary.


This image is everything


It sounds very close to "May the Force be with you" so maybe it came from Star Wars.


My penis friend was very offended Red, by your statement "may the FORSKINE be with you" as he doesn't have a foreskin and therefore doesn't feel included. next time can you say something that would include forskinless penises? (For those who can't tell this is a joke)


Your weenie may have lost its foreskin physically, but it’s spirit will always guide its way

El Bandolero

Whether foreskin or not, it doesn't matter. Let him look at the computer, he will look at the RIGHT thing. But go gently with him he loves your caresses and will reward you for it :-)) My name is Foreskin, I retire.



Miriam Henry

What would be the estimated release date? Are we getting another preview clip?


Yes to more previews and I don’t know an estimated release date but probably the very end of the month


Mr. Pernis is very excited for the forthcumming AMRL10!