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This is a work in progress of the Maggie rework! Her textures are still not done by her model and rig are all animation ready for All My Roommates Love 9 =)

The big important thing that I ALWAYS wanted was for Maggie to look a lot more like Mary... but still be her own thing. 

What do you think? What does your penis think? Let me know... like, right now. Please? 




Such an improvement. You continue to outdo yourself. She is Mary's kid though.. maybe her dick hasn't grown in to her mom's stature yet, but I'd love if you added some more bubble in that booty. Maybe some extra testicular bounty which seems gifted to the hard family.


That looks much better than the old model.

Joe Hedron

It's awesome to see you improve over the years. She looks cute as fuck in this picture!


always great to see artists improving their artwork, we're all so hecken proud of you <3


i love the new look but i have to say the old look was kinda bratty innocent cute this is more polished sensual but eager:) i love them both but totally excited to see the new look in action!! thanks for all you do!!


The old one was perfect! She was the reason I fell in love with your work!!


They both give me a knot in my shorts very very HOT!!!

Joseph Moore

Your work has always been amazing from the start and I've loved watching the evoltion! This Maggie is also incredible in her own way. 100% would smash if she'd want me to ;D


Maggie has my whole <3


Maggie has my whole <3


I could have a lot of fun with either one 😛

Hushon Theone

I like the softer facial features. Boobs look more natural which is great. My suggestion is to make boobs a bit smaller and agree with other comments that the hair color should look natural, not dyed. Overall great work!