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  • MomNum01.mp4



Hello all! Attached is a download of the Mommy's Number intro (please use the attachment  if you can) OR you can use the links below if need be!

OK this is kinda an important poll so please read this if you can... I will try to keep it as simple as possible.

I would like to hire a 4th animator. This would help us release more animation content & also some help working on the Mommy's Quest! game and adding to it. However, in order to attract someone to this industry, I have to pay a competitive salary (maybe slightly MORE competitive because of the nature of the content).

To help accomplish this, I was thinking of changing the $5 tier to the $6 tier. This would help a lot to hire a good quality animator and pay them a competitive salary.

BUT - It would be totally optional for everyone already here.

People currently in the $5 tier would be able to keep that subscription if they so pleased. Nothing would change. You would not miss out on any content. You could chose to switch to the new "$6 tier" to support the cause of hiring a 4th animator but you would not be forced to and you would not miss out on any content if you don't want to.

The existing $5 tier would be hidden and new Patreon's not be able to chose it anymore.

The old $5 tier and the new $6 tier would get a new benefit "Full Game Access and Previews!"


ALSO, we had a pretty major issue with a "reworked" version of Emma's rig so progress was stalled a bit as we got this fixed but now we are full steam ahead on Mommy's Number!


George Clonts

Hi. Your links are not working for me.


Heya! There should be 3 different links here, GoFile, Mega, and an attachment. None of those 3 are working? :(


Hmmm I’m already in the 10 dollar so am unlikely to switch to the 6 dollar.

George Clonts

Its downloading but not playing.


Not even a question to me. You're one of if not the best in this field. No problem with the 6 bucks. Keep up the great work Red!


I will switch Red….. but only because I’m still not going to give you back your car keys ….

Juan Vasquez

If it's only $1 more than I'm in. I've seen other devs charge more, and they don't put out as much content as you. Keep up the good work. 👍

Ciarán M

This all seems incredibly reasonable! Though I think we're all missing the bigger picture here... another animator means another Agent. Another Agent means that it could finally be Agent... Purple 💜


For the quality of the work you do and the consistent content you create and drop, I have no problem paying an extra dollar to make the content come out even faster. Your a master of your craft please keep doing what you love and we all will keep fapping to it.


Я присоединился меньше месяца к вам, поэтому пока что останусь на 5$. Но возможно перейду и на более высокий в будущем.


It’s really a load sound


Is this video going to have the same teacher as the game?


it is a small price to pay for the top quality content that you are providing, go for it

Will Johnson

1 extra buck is fine by me.... But I had to pick the fapping option in the poll..... #SorryNotSorry


I'm in...all the way!!!!

Andrew Rowe

Sounds good, but I'm annual. Maybe next year you'll get an extra $1?


For the quality of the content & more content, I'm in.


As long as the old tier 5$ stays for people on it, sounds okay to me. The game kept crashing and locking up my computer so not really interested in it. Although I wish you the best of luck with it.


I played the game. Was there a link I missed? Does it work on iPad?


ALso thanks for keeping the 5$


I'm actually on the 7 dollar tier, but I'd be willing to pitch in. Why not make a 1 dollar option for any tier to add to their sub?


I'm on the 10$ tier and I'm happy with that.


I agree with James Marlin. Have a "one dollar more" option would work for almost any tier. I can't see too many folks worrying about one dollar. IMHO


I'm in the $10 tier, too. I'd do the $6 if I weren't. Make sense?


I'd pay more as well. Have you considered NFT's? You've got amazing art works in your videos. Just trying to help.


I'd pay more as well. Have you thought about NFT's? Your videos contain some nice works. Just saying.


Thought my first message didn't go through.

Captain Marder

More money = More Futa = Good


You can edit your pledge by clicking “choose what to pay” under the edit pledge menu. If anyone on a higher tier would like to help out, you can add another dollar without moving up a tier


Have you heard a multi terabyte pile of NFT's got pirated?


I just upgraded to the $10 tier, easiest way to go. Keep up the outstanding work!!

Doug P

I’m at a higher tier already, but am open to an overall ’bump’ in my tier if it helps. Your work is amazing and so enjoyable that I would definitely support anything that allows you to increase your staff and your output!☺️👍🏻

Vernon E. Parker III

A dollar is not the difference between starving and eating for me anymore. Keep the good content coming.


Makes no difference to me I pay yearly, if its a little more don't care.


Thank you, I appreciate all of the support and will always do everything I can to get more content created and released with it!


ill switch to the more expensive option as soon as i can afford it <3


Happy to pay a lousy buck to watch em fuck. 🤣

John A.

I paid the yearly price, but would gladly move up $1 if you make the change.


Sounds fine to me. I'm already at the $10 level. Keep up the awesome work.

Wittwe AB Grw

I would do the increase if could afford to. But after get some more things paied down wol defentlt up to the $6 Your Real Life Futanari/Intersexed/Hermaphrodite Grl Friend


I think $6 is reasonable which is what I'll be dropping to due to financial situations.