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Heya all! I get asked every now and then about the animation process, so I wanted to share an example of how a scene progresses from start to finish.

If you dont care about any of that and just wanna see the final result, here you go! In this scene, Amy and Audrey share an awkward moment and Amy... well, reacts like any of us probably wood, by making things way worse.

OneDrive: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Aniyj5fJqR9egglfzE4eoaZHe-r1?e=RJDwcB

Mega: https://mega.nz/file/TiICgR7K#Iwx3E5RzDI8aNCKkrqWi0F4198pZ2WXr6KOId01aj4U 

DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2gd9t2vwgxzhtz6/PassFinal.mov?dl=0

If you do wanna see how I work on a scene, here is an example of the passes. GENERALLY, I setup the basic motions of the body, then fine tune that a few times, then I add facial animation, then hair/boobs, then finally clothing.

Though, this isn't always my formula. In this instance, I did facial first because that was really important to this particular scene since its mostly facial animation.

Passes Example!

DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/424d01uj6wonbzu/Passes.mp4?dl=0

Mega: https://mega.nz/file/KiJ0WTrR#zYWFMkM03_j4cO-D7eebRyZkQMynv2lmTcJuzOOBJFU 

One Drive: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Aniyj5fJqR9eggr_l09JcaffQlVG?e=gaca2B


(No title)



Such an involved process! I really appreciate all the hard work you put into making these!


Can’t wait to see the end product, keep it up Red


Incredibly fascinating!! Even if I were creative enough to think of the ideas, I’m certainly not talented or skilled enough to do anything like this! Thanks for sharing!!


very excited about this one


That’s about what I expected, I would not have the patience for all that. As I’ve said b4 Red, your work is amazing. Are u still shooting for the end of this month or is it going the b in Oct? Not trying to rush ya Red, I’m willing to wait as long as needed, I’m just curious.

Mark Saunders

Wow. That's very cool. Appreciate you sharing Red. Can't wait for it to be finished.


I enjoyed that! That was pretty cool. Ways of assessing what works and what doesn’t. I understand the creative process. Sometimes it’s very painful and slow…. Others times? It’s like a torrent. Again thank you.

Razor The Man

Hi Red, will we have subtitles for 'Doe Love'? It's important in this animation, I think ;)


What a talent you are!


That's one hell of a dick 🔥🔥🔥🔥 I am still impressed by the drawing and colours of this scene it looks more vivid or is it just me imagining things 🤭


Thanks for the edumacation, Red. Cool to see how the sausages are made :-0 Loved seeing Amy's hard lettle weenie jumping for joy in her shorts!


Your acting is so much much better than RL porn actors. Every little nuance is perfect.


That’s was awesome thank you for the behind the scenes stuff.


Thank you for the interesting insights into your work. What struck me, are you always horny and wet at work? 🤔😉😘 I think I would be dripping all the time and would have to chain myself.😉🥰


So many symbols...some of those looked like straight up hieroglyphics. What's the purpose of those layers? I'm a newbie when it comes to 3D software so nice to know these things.