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QUICK MOVIE NIGHT UPDATE! We are around 95% done and I will provide a more detailed update next week. In the mean time, here are some super supporter requests!!

Request #1 - Tara choking on a cock while cumming =)

I really like this environmental fog/bloom effect coming from the curtains. I'm working on getting this effect mastered for some future animations!

Request #2: Mary with a Bigger Cock!

Awww... she really wants to top =( please, just this once? Don't be a jerk...




It would be wild to see Mary in a video with a much bigger dick😈


Id love to see Mary slam that anaconda in pic 3 into one of the girls and unleash an absolute deluge of cum.


Dammit Red, how do you expect me to finish working now with images of Tara in my head? My employer thanks you for making me unproductive from here on out! 😈😈😈


Holy damn, agreed! Like the Hulk, all of a sudden one day, her superpower is the more horny she gets, the more it grows! "You wouldn't like me when I'm horny..."


Love Tara mygod Mary's cock is huge 😍


Mary out here tryna compete with the centaurs


I think keeping it within a realistic size would deliver the perfect effect and realism

John McCarthy

Hey Red ... If you are going to give her a bigger pipe ... try not to give her a pointed dick it looks freaky ... looks like a ant eater ... ha ha


WOW. I do not think anyone could handel Mary at #3. That is alot of women. If you know what i mean. You have out doen your self, Red. Thank you for all wounderfull work you do. 😊

Andrew Rowe

Calico's comment 😂! Mary's dick in pic 3 is longer than a torso, pic 2 is well past a womb and, for anal, intestines. Not in actual length, of course.


Mary and the Centaurs?


Mary looks gorgeous 😍😍


Red, Mary’s face is perfect but, and I’m sure I’ll get killed for this, leave the ready of her be. PLEASE!! lol


Hey red did you get that Eth I sent and how does one become a super supporter! If possible can i pay in crypto


I wanna see Tara in a scene even if it's short


That's her secret, Andrew. She's always horny. MARY SMASH!!!

Terrence Bohlken

NO>>NO>>NO.....To much Mary there.....Just my opinion....Mary is perfection as she is ...Please!!!!!!


We need a Tara/Alicia scene asap Red!! 🥺


Aaaah, I would love it so much if her cock were permanently as big as number two up there. It definitely seems smaller since the redesign sadly. Cumflation would go crazy too. Yummy!


|Absolutely love it. really like your creative look. Oh and Mary's biggest cock is my fav.


Mary's cock is massive. I would not reccomend she catches a train. The ticket collector would no doubt comment.


One of my favorite comic/video themes is the monster cock scenario! Something about a tiny character being penetrated by a grossly fat cock as long as their arm and listening to the ball slap as she takes every inch!


Terrence Bohlken, I’m glad I’m not the only person that thinks this version of Mary is WAY WAY to big. Truthfully, I’d like to see he sick go down a little bit on the every day Mary too, it would be more realistic, Joel Alvarez mentioned above. But like I said, that’s just my opinion. Either way Red, you do amazing work. Where are you doing movies, comic books, or just requests people send then. As an artist you there’s some of the best work I’ve ever seen.

Martin Cole

Will Patreon members have access to your other, "outside" work?


I agree that Mary is too big in the bottom pic, but I'm with Cubix as I'd ****love**** to see Mary as she is in the 2nd & 3rd pics as to me that's the embodiment of what a futa should be. Plus it just seems fitting somehow that Mary should be the biggest. So Red I have to ask is there any chance of Mary becoming even larger like in pic#2 if the majority of your fans said they'd like to see it in a poll?


MaryBigger03 is sooooo legend 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍🤯😘🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤


I don't know why you haven't been snapped up by Pixar or DreamWorks. You are better than they already have.


Just sayin😘


Wow more more 🤤


you think Bella could take it up her ass?


i would let her try it on me


Yes I DID! THank you so much!!! It is so awesome, that is my first crypto TIP ever, thank you!! I hope you hold a lot of ETH... its been pumping SO MUCH!!!!


Futa Sentai Squad is an adulttime only production but that is the only bit of content that will not be featured on patreon.


Yes finally the two black girls


I'd let her use all my holes and stretch me until I could take the whole thing.

John McCarthy

Then they will rush you to the ER ... then the doctor will ask you if you fell on a fence post ... what are you going to tell him ? ... try this OH I fell off my ladder cleaning my cutters ... and of course he will say what with out any pants ... he he he ...

Captain Marder

so far apart from the centaurs which character has the biggest penis?


Thanks red


Biggest Mary is the best Mary. Love it Red.


Wow ...


Definitely want to see more Tara action her big black cock just looks lovely


So Red I'm really curious as to how big Mary is in the last picture, if you're willing to part with that info 🤗


Would love to see more of Tara and her ebony friends!!