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Hello all! I am back from COVID. I feel a billion times better and I have been up since early this morning working! Thank you so much for being patient with me while I recovered. 

FIRST I wanted to share, AMRL7 Part 2 WILL be coming out THIS WEEK! (Friday at the latest I believe!)

SECOND I wanted to share the above render, titled World's Best Mom, is available as a 1 of 1 NFT. I will not be minting another one. This particular render will be a 1 of 1 forever. If you are interested in owning this NFT you can bid here: https://rarible.com/token/0x60f80121c31a0d46b5279700f9df786054aa5ee5:575476:0xa696844c1620e4dfec5b3f68fb14c11705f098e2

THIRD I wanted to say the FIRST preview of Movie Night WILL be coming this week (before the release of AMRL7 Part 2.

FORTH I wanted to say hi!

FIFTH I wanted to say COVID sucks but I am super happy to be back and I will be working around the clock to get AMRL7 Part 2 and Movie Night out to you asap! 




Good to know, it took me 2 weeks to even get better and I’m 22


Glad that you feel better!!


Good speedy recovery though


What is NFT?


And please take you’re time. Don’t rush yourself.


We 👏 need 👏 3d printable 👏 STL 👏 (I want Maggie... So bad)


Welcome back :)

Robert Harvey

Glad you feeling better! Looking forward to all the new content!


Good to hear you have recovered. Please be careful and don't overwork yourself.


I caught the rona, knocked me out for about 3 weeks. Glad you’re doing better.


What’s your price point on the NFT and when does biding end?


I have no idea and I have no idea! This is my first time minting an NFT. BUT i will setup an "end date" soon! I thought it would allow me to do that during the process but it didnt


Happy you are feeling better.. Been in the dark the past few days. Hoping it was out, but your health is more important. <3


Glad to hear your feeling better red.


I'm glad to hear you're doing better!


Very happy to hear you have recovered from your infection.

Ciarán M

Glad to hear that you're feeling better, Red! 💜💜💜 Super excited for a first preview of Movie Night (BELLA!! 💙💙) and hot damn, Mary is looking so beautiful and sexy in this image!

Oro Or Ori

Happy to hear you're feeling better 🤗

Andrew Rowe

C, I told you you'd be OK. Welcome back Red.


Bon retour !


Glad you’re back, Red!! Take care! You rock!!


Welcome back sir! I'm sure you are back and better than ever!

Les Bonser

Glad to hear you're feeling better! I have to admit I have no farking idea what NFT means. Well, maybe a tiny little microscopic idea; something to do with cryptocurrency, I think. But I have no idea how that applies to one of your renders. It's a great image! Love the gleam in her eyes. As always, looking forward to all your future works.

Robert Toutaint

Glad to hear you fought the good fight and came out victorious so you are 1 and 0 against a mighty foe, good on ya Red.


Glad your feeling better Red. But please don't over do it in terms of work as if you exhaust yourself you may relapse.


Hi to you too ;)


Glad to hear your doing better.

Captain Marder

Glad you're ok. Now i'm excited for release to see mary's huge cock and clit.


Glad you made it through. Ya, Covid sucks...


Happy to hear you are doing better. Yay NFT!


Awesome to here things are on the up swing for you. Please take time for you because you are what’s most important in all this. My Kitten and I both agree the Milf in the pic looks like and should be holding a cigarette. Don’t judge it both our fetish. But very sexy work as always. Feel better soon. And don’t over do it right out the gate coming back. We are dying to see your work but again YOU are what really matters.


Happy to hear you are doing better, and I love the worlds best mom :)!


Glad to hear you’re feeling better Red!


I'm glad You're Feeling Better


So glad you are back and feeling better. Looking forward to your completing AMRL7 Part 2 and Movie Night but do not overdo it. Your health comes first.


Hi. Good health. Couldn't she incorporate dog pets? :)


Glad to read to got over Covid and feeling that much better.


Very glad and relieved you're feeling better.


Great news you're feeling better.


Will part 2 still be released today? Thanks. Glad you’re feeling better


Good to know you're fine now, It's good to have you back and keep giving us great content


Love you!!!!!


When might this be released ? Thanks 😊


glad you’re feeling better darling 💕


Is the bidding still open for the NFT?


The NFT sold. I may mint 1 of Maggie, Bella, and Anna over the next few months though


Any update on release of amrl 7part2? 😊


Glad you feel better be safe out there


I realize this is a past due post . I am willing to purchase all rights , to this picture. Red , I'm a supporter of sexual freedom.


Currently going for 0.2 ETH. If you’re interested click the link and place a bid