AMRL7 = 99% Completed + Teasers for Upcoming Projects (Patreon)
2021-01-22 23:34:41
Heya! I just wanted to share a quick update on AMRL 7. We are trying to get all the animation done this weekend and I have been working around the clock getting rendering and fluid simulations figured out.
I will say that I have adopted a new fluid simulation software and I believe its going to be really exciting to see it in action. I still have a lot of stuff to do for AMRL7 so I may be a little quiet as finalize things but I will provide a new update next week.
I also wanted to share a couple teasers for some upcoming stuff =)
AMRL 7 Final To Do List
- Finish Animation (99%) + 4%
- Finish Rendering (80%) + 10%
- Fluid Simulation 1 (Waiting till Weekend)
- Fluid Simulation 2 (Waiting till Weekend)
- Fluid Simulation 3 (Waiting till Weekend)
- Add Additional VA Work (Waiting till Weekend)
- Add SFX(Waiting till Weekend)
Up Next!
- 1-22
- 23 - (Done)
- 24 - (Done)
- 25 - (Rendering)
- 26 - (Need Render)
- 27 - (WIP)
- 28 - (WIP)
- 29 - (WIP)
- 30 - End (WIP)