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Hello all! Just wanted to post a quick update about comics =) ALSO, if you want to order physical copies, you can order them as well! I am using all the funds earned from the physical copy sales to fund more comics =)


Question 1: Which comic are you are looking forward to the most?

Question 2: Do you have any interest in ordering physical copies? (Just to note, I will make digital downloads of all comics available to you).

Question 3: Do you miss Bella?

Question 4: To anyone that has already ordered a comic, could you let me know how you feel about the quality? I ordered a copy of each myself and I was happy with it but I am curious what you think.


The Adventures of Emma and Dollie

Her Mothers Daughter (2 of 3)

Mary's First Time (Anal) (2 of 5)


Her Mother's Daughter (1 of 3)

Mary's First Time (1 of 5)



Great idea putting out online comics to help fill in the world of agentredgirl. Thanks for all the great content.


Love the comics! Brilliant and very well done...kudos

Martin Cole

What's the one w/ the black brothel mother and daughter? That's the one I'm waiting for...


Who is the mother in mother's daughter? And who is Hazel?


That is going to be an animation... I am working on a comic of it but right now I need to focus on animations


Heya M!!! I dont wanna spoil the story but hang tight and hopefully by the end of the comic it will all make sense


Hey Red, the comics are great as is everything you do. I’m not in to the centaur thing but each there own. As for purchasing a hard copy of the comics I tried go to that page and when I filled the age verification it said I wasn’t old enough. I’m pretty sure the being born in 74 makes me over 18. Could be wrong tho, who knows. Anyway, just wanted to let you know. Could be messing with your sales.


I always miss Bella unless I'm actually watching a video she's in.


Comics are fine but I much prefer some good old fashion futa-fucking animation. It’s not just the visual but I find the dialogue and the subtle facial expressions very arousing. Besides you can’t replace the sight of those beautiful futa cocks spewing massive amounts of cum with a single frame comic. BTW I love those xRay internal cum shots you're experimenting with in AML and HMD. Love to see more.


PS. While the centaur story is strangely a rousing, its moving a bit slowly. Time to get back to Amy and Mandy.


Done with the centaur stufff tooo, let's move to AML!


Thats super weird hmm i am not sure what to do about that but thank you for letting me know!


Thanks so much! I love the animations too... the comics are just kinda my bonus to everyone


Just a side bar question. Did Bella get a positive pregnancy test at the end of AML6? Where are you planning to take that storyline?


Yes 100% Bella is pregnant... as you will see in the scene right after this Mary and Anna scene =) AND... well, you will have to wait and see


The comics are a great diversion while we await your animated masterpieces, Red. I can't wait to see the fantasy scene from HMD2 come true and Hazel dump a huge load in her mom's pussy...