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Hello all! Serena gets a little excited here because she realizes that she is about to lose her virginity!

DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4pjspb2wds75bos/Scene06_8.mp4?dl=0

Mega: https://mega.nz/file/yiQl3YAJ#PtofogtC8IezSCyMOj-zwaNpvbQjP0m4QRsimyB0CXA 

I will be rendering this project out all weekend. It is turning out to take a LOT of time to render this scene. My 3rd rendering PC is schedule to arrive on the 17th, so hopefully I can catch up a little bit then.

 Episode 2: Centaur Things - 39% (+2%)

  • Done = 1: Fira starts her day!
  • Done = 2: Fira has to tinkles!
  • Done = 3:  Hello!
  • 4: Have you come to be breed? (Need Render)
  • 5: Centaur wellness exam! (WIP ALMOST DONE)
  • 6: Please dont ejaculate... please dont ejaculate... please dont ejaculate... (Need Render)
  • 7: Yep. That's Fira's butt! (Need Render)
  • 8: What do you feel? + cock slaps  (Need Render) 
  • 9: I feel... + cock slaps (Need Render)
  • 10: Exposition + cock slaps
  • 11: You may breed me love!
  • More coming soon...




😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I still don’t understand why your work makes my lower place happy. 🤷🏾‍♂️ 🙏🏾


probably cuz it is so unique and weirdly sexy and so well animated and all in all so much work put into also with the voice acting and that the characters actually seem alive, good stuff like that is hard to find!


well said

Captain Marder

Approx When do you expect this episode to release?